Prayer. What is prayer? Let us define prayer as simply communicating with our Creator. Prayer might be asking God for help. It might be thanking Him for His blessings. Or it might be simply communicating, much the same way we might talk with a friend, discussing our day.
How important is prayer? If we believe in the Creator, believe He exists, and we believe that He desires to have a relationship with us, how important is prayer? If prayer is simply communicating, chatting if I may, then how important is prayer?
If we define prayer as simply chatting with God, and He desires a relationship with us, then perhaps we can compare prayer with talking with our best friend or spouse. How important is daily communication with our spouse or our best friend? Do we grow closer when we do not engage in daily conversation?
When we engage in daily conversation in any relationship, it should enable us to grow closer to that individual. So if we talk with God daily, do we not also grow closer to Him daily? And if we do not communicate with God daily, can we really grow closer? Even if we fill our lives with