It"s not About an Apple: Genesis 2 and 3 Point us to Jesus

Many patterns of life today began back in the Garden of Eden, including men's and women's roles, men's passive attitudes, even the clothing we wear. But most importantly, the saving power of Jesus' death began to be modeled to us.

2:17 God tells MAN to not eat from tree of knowledge of good and evil. God gave man the instruction, and God holds man responsible for keeping it. Man was able to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but was given the freedom to not do so. We are not puppets; we are given free choice to do right or wrong.

2:20 no helper suitable found for man. God repeated the phrase "It was good" until the day that Adam named all the creatures, each with its partner. But it wasn't good that Adam found no creature appropriate for him to have as a partner. Then, God created woman to meet the need which Adam now recognizes. From