Remember running to your mommy or daddy when you were hurt, expectantly asking: "Make the hurt go away!" You somehow knew they had the power. A kiss, a comforting lap, or a quiet word would often chase away the hurt.
What happened as you grew up? Hurts still come and go, but are you relying expectantly on the Word of Wisdom to dispel your pain? Godly Wisdom is needed to understand how any kind of hurtful actions can cripple you from going forward in freedom and joy. Does the old adage: "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me," apply to you? I'm sure that you'll agree with me and millions of others that words indeed can hurt. Whether said in haste, anger or pain, hurtful words have a nasty habit of clinging to our heart and evoking both anger and pain when brought to remembrance even many years later.
Let's have a look at the purpose of hurt. Yes, there is a purpose for everything, even hurt. Hurts will keep you in bondage