Who was it that taught you to love or hate your children?
Who was it that taught you to love or hate your spouse,your parents, your relatives,your neighbours, and all the other people in this world?
Who was it that taught you to love or hate your own self?
Ask yourself these questions and you will find that the real question is not "How to Get started" rather, "How did we get started in the first place to move in a totally opposite direction?"
So do not worry about getting started in spirituality. 'Just be there'. When i say 'Just be there' what i mean is when you watch a video or read an article or listen to an audio surrender yourself completely to 'the feeling' which the audio/video or articles resonate onto you. Do not analyse or think about it intelligently. Keep connecting,going deeper and deeper into yourself. Take only the feelings with you as you go deeper and deeper into yourself. Re-read the article you loved 10 times, 20 times watch the video you liked as many times. Connect... Even a single story, a single video or a single audio could help you connect.
There is only one thing you need to do. Give way to your feelings. Now i am not talking of emotions here. We will cover the difference between feelings and emotions later on. Right now, Give space for your feelings to grow. This is key. The reason we get stuck up in any area of our life is because we have blockages inside of ourselves. We have not allowed our deepest feelings to grow, to take flight... We need to give it more space,more room so that it can expand by itself. We really do not have to do anything else other than give our deepest feelings 'more space' to grow. Period.
So you see our questions are getting refined as we move deeper into the issue. The question you have to ask yourself is "Am i giving my deepest feelings space to grow?" or "What should i do to give my feelings space to grow?"
The first thing you obviously need to do is spend time with your feelings. The first thirty minutes of your day is very crucial to begin with.
So what do you do the first thirty minutes of your day?
It does not matter how complex or wonderful your life is but if you do not spend quality time with your deepest feelings you will not care for it and when you do not care for it you will not give it space to grow.. And when you do not give it space to grow you will stay where you are.
Our self growth has to be vertical not horizontal. John says" You will have everything to live with but nothing to live for" when your growth is horizontal. So let us learn to fly and explore a world which could possibly give you everything that you need ,if you only could give it more space to grow...
The heavens beyond are great and wonderful but far greater and wonderful are the heavens within you. It is these Eden's that await the divine worker.
I would love to hear back from you on two things:
1)How each of you spend your first thirty minutes of the day?
2)What do you do to give your deepest feelings space to grow?