Online Bible Study Course Transforms Your Life - Guaranteed!

Online Bible Study Course Helps You Transform Your Life In Christ More Quickly And Deeply Than Anywhere Else... Guaranteed!

Online Bible Study Course...

Once upon a time this happened to me.

(You will discover why I started with 'Once upon a time' as you read this.)

It was at a time when I was in my late teens.

I remember it so clearly today that I still remember the story that I had at that time where I actually saw myself as the antagonist of my own story.

It happened late one evening in the fall season while I was walking through a local park.

I was out amongst the stars in the midst of God's creation so to speak.

The natural surroundings made me feel even more insignificant than I had ever felt.

For the first time I began to wrestle with my own feelings of irrelevance and if I really wanted to pursue a relationship with Christ for the rest of my life.

For the first time I really felt the negative pull of what it must feel like to contemplate living a life apart from God.

But that night, I felt a call.

I felt an incredible urge to find God.

That was now almost 30 years ago!

Today I am constantly reminded of this story. Especially in the context of working with students (through the online bible study course options available at the Academy) who are wrestling with their own version of this same story.

And here is what I want you to note. When it comes right down to it-all life comes to each of us as a story. Inside of our story we are either the protagonist or antagonist. There is no middle grown.

I want to challenge you right now to get clear on how you see yourself in your own story.

Let me share with you this insight that has really helped me overcome the story that I once had that empowered me to really reach out and find God.

Each of us has two stories: one that runs in our subconscious minds about why we do NOT deserve to be close to God. For most people today this is the primary story they rehearse at a subconscious level. It's the reason that we were born to win, but find ourselves conditioned to lose and wallow in sin like a pig in slop. This conditioning takes place by replaying the story where you see yourself as the antagonistic sinner over and over again.

There is also another story that we all have. One that sees you as the protagonist. The hero of your own story! The cleansed sinner who is walking in Christ's command to "Go And Sin No More!" Perhaps if you are like so many people today being bombarded with the message of sin in the modern church, you haven't participated in this story for a long time.

If you are interested in accelerating your dreams of getting close to God, of coming to know Him closer than you ever imagined possible, of transforming your daily life in such a way that the light of Christ in you shines brighter and brighter before all the world, then my only solution for you is personal mentoring-an educational online bible study course like that offered by Paul's Primers Academy that will help you transform your life in true "turn the world upside down" fashion!

To Your Transformation Thru The True Power Of The Cross!

Pastor Paul

Register today with Paul's Primers Academy to learn how to start your online bible study course today!

Well, that's all for today... please accept our best wishes that God might bless each one of us through the power of His Amazing Love. And finally, remember to show forth the love of Jesus Christ in someone's life today!

Register with Paul's Primers Academy by providing us your name and email address in the top right hand portion of the Academy website to Discover This Amazing Lost Truth Of Christendom As You Transform Your Life Thru The Full Power Of The Cross!

(c) Copyright - Paul Rakowicz. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Paul's Primers Academy: Providing The Online Bible Study Course Options That Will Transform Your Life More Quickly And Deeply Than Anywhere Else... Guaranteed!