Pray For Lyrics: The Power of Lyrics in Praying for Another or for a Definite Purpose

Have you ever had a time when you wanted to pray for another person, either who is sick or in need, or for something in particular, but somehow the words didn't quite seem to be coming together, either due to emotional or other reasons?.

Yes, I have heard a few people say that they want to pray, but filled with emotion, momentarily, they lost the words and although they had in mind what to say in their prayers a few minutes before, they just weren't able speak when the time came.

Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you to use a ready made back up "Pray for Lyrics" to seek God in your prayers for a definite purpose. Just say the "Pray for Lyrics" for the other person or the definite purpose at hand and rest assured God is there for you.

Here is a simple format of a "Pray for Lyrics" prayer that can come in handy, when you need it.

Lord I glorify your name, you are the Almighty that I worship

The heavens praise your wonders, O Lord

Your faithfulness too, I adore

I seek the assembly of the holy one

I pray for................ ( add the reason or request for your prayer here)

I pray for................. (add another request if you have it)

For who in the skies above can compare with you O Lord

Who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings?

I pray for.................. ( add the reasons or request for your prayer here)

In Jesus name my faith is alive and true

Lord I glorify your name, you are the Almighty that I worship.

Now, there are other types other types of "Pray for Lyrics" such as the following:

Prayer lyrics for blessing

Prayer lyrics for healing

Prayer lyrics for forgiveness

Prayer lyrics for love

And many others, according to your needs.

Whatever your intention is in prayers, you just need to insert this purpose in the blank spaces above in order to make it a personal Prayer Lyric power experience.

In doing this, you thereby enter into the spirit of your prayers, creating wonderful energy that is specific to your cause.

Prayer lyrics are powerful and a wonderful way of communicating with your inner being, God within you.

This ongoing communication on a regular basis can eventually help you transform your life, to what you wish it to be, when you truly believe in faith and practice the simple but effective principles daily.

So, if you ever feel a need to support another, but can't quite say the words in prayers, then here you have a ready made "Pray For lyrics" that you can use anytime, without letting your emotions stop you in your tracks.

You simply say your prayers, you feel wonderful, knowing in faith that God is listening, and you're done.

Be patient and allow God do the work of the seed you have taken time to sow in the absolute.

Copyright (c) 2010 Joy Obihara