Radical Responsibility: The Inner Path to Global Healing
Earth is currently in the midst of a massive change cycle that will affect every form of life on the planet by the end of 2012. This period, which is also known as the ending of a 25,920-year cosmic cycle (or Cosmic Year in astrology), is a time when polarities merge, dimensions shift, humans evolve in remarkable ways, and earth rearranges boundaries once thought to be solid. It is a time of great karmic opportunity and unprecedented growth for everyone.
Across the globe, deep wounds in the collective psyche of mankind are surfacing to be healed. Societies hunger not for war or peace, but for Truth to cut through the illusions of polarity and to bring about healing at the deepest levels of being.
The clarion call is sounding, calling us to action. If we wish to have a future on this planet, the time to heal our world is now.
How do we do that?
Dr. David R. Hawkins, perhaps the most profound teacher on the evolution of human consciousness today, says that everything we see happening around us, is the consequence of that which we are.