Sex And The Afterlife - Part Two
As we have learned from 'Sex And The Afterlife - Part One' the reason why we are made to feel so guilty and ashamed of our sex lives is due only to religious ignorance, misinterpretation and fear mongering. Since religion has been so cleverly, indoctrinated into the very fibre of our society then, unless we give up religion, we will always feel this way. Not only will we continue to feel this way about a completely and utterly natural function but that we will always have the three P's to deal with or suffer from i.e. Pornography - Paedophilia - and Prostitution. Thus, wouldn't it be better for us to give up 'religion' and not the more natural 'sex'? I say this because; if it were not for religion then these three P's would never have existed. But then, that's up to you.
In my many years of actual practice and communication with Our Worlds Beyond, (the afterlife), I have discovered that, our enforced guilt and shame here on Earth is not at all reflected in our heaven. In fact, for most people on Earth and, if we are to be honest with ourselves, if it were not so then, it would cease to BE 'heaven' wouldn't it?
Sex, should never have been left in the hands and control of men as we have left it here. Moreover, the more we continue to do this, the more ashamed and guilty we will become. And, as you know, guilt and shame are accompanied by distortion, deviation, denial and other associated uncontrolled but negative energies. This is so unhealthy, so unnatural and so very against the natural flow of 'All That Is'.
As if Catholicism - and related 'closed-minded' religions, didn't do enough damage on their own, through and because of them, so-called 'new age' religions have sprouted or that many old ones have been reinvented. (I say 'reinvented' because present day 'ideas' and misinterpretations of what 'old religions' actually were have been adapted to fall in with common, everyday, 'ideas' and 'beliefs' of what sex means today and not then. For example, the sole heart of the Wiccan 'way' (not 'religion') for Britain in it's day was solely based on sex AND Nature and not just Nature alone. Sex was holy back then and not the 'filthy thing' it is today, as it remains, even in so-called 'new' religions. To the Wiccans of that day, both sex and Nature were one and the same thing and that it was not unusual at all to find couples - together - making love under a tree as you rode past on a sunny afternoon. I mean it! It was considered to be nothing then for sex was an act of celebration and NOT an aberration that it is on Earth today. With our ignorant 'public indecency laws' and 'morals' (invented by someone ELSE and not you or I - so criminal in themselves - this is an inconceivable thought today though isn't it?! ). And so, instead of becoming a new hope for mankind in that, along with our returning to our original path before we were overcome with Rome's might; instead of being different and not so guilt-ridden themselves, they too have followed suit to compound this same shame and guilt that we already have! So, we have got to ask ourselves, 'what's the point in that!?' Why pretend that we don't 'believe' in this or that established 'religion' and yet, practice the same ideology under a different name? Pointless.
In any event, whilst we 'mortals' constantly struggle with our consciousnesses about the rights and wrongs about sex yet, I have discovered that NO such struggle exists in the afterlife.
In the afterlife, NO ONE - not, Presidents, governments, parents, your big brother or even The Pope himself can ever TELL you what sex you can and cannot have. You see, no one tells you or I anything concerning sex mainly because, THEY are having the same sex themselves and wouldn't want it taken from them no more than you and I do! They are having sex - and a LOT of it - simply because, unlike here, they do NOT suffer from the same guilt and shame that we do here. One of the best parts about going to heaven is that this guilt and shame is totally removed - by us and through us because, one of the very first things we learn when we get there is how utterly stupid we all are and have been when it comes to sex and that the last thing any of us want to be over there - is stupid. Do you know why we don't want to be or feel stupid? We don't because, the REAL truth is that, what the churches do NOT tell us is that, each and every one of us are not only 'God's Children' but are, in actual fact 'Sovereign Entities'. As 'Sovereign Entities' and no longer the sheep we have grown so used to becoming here (or forced into it morelike), no Sovereign Entity has any authority over another nearly enough to TELL people what KIND of sex is good for them or what they can and cannot do or anything even approaching 'what God said'. In our afterlife, no one is any nearer to 'God' - 'The Light' or 'All That Is' than are you. As your own Sovereign Entity YOU and ONLY you, command your own sexuality, it's expression and evolvement and where NO man, church, creed or indeed, ANY group of people can EVER tell you what you can or can't do. We do not go to our heaven to do as we are told. We go to heaven to come to know and understand what the word freedom TRULY means to each and everyone of us. It is THE place where man-made laws, ignorance, shame and guilt can NEVER touch us again and we can have as much sex as we will ever want - and then some.
It is ENTIRELY your own decision as to what that could mean and has nothing to do with me, or anyone else as to what that may include or entail.
It boils down to this:
If you have been granted permission by another entity(s) and you are not harming anyone against their will in any way then, really, the sky is the limit as to what you both/all could do with this for, again I say, it has nothing to do with anyone else - that is, including your spouse too! Sex on the other side in our afterlife is all about expression and advancement as it is with anything else. On the other side, sex is but another ARTFORM - and not the filthy thing we have been forced into 'believing'. And so, like any other art form, it to is there to be mastered like any other - that is, if YOU want to master it that is. Not everyone wants to learn the violin do they? But LOTS do.
The TRUE ideal and natural function of sex - and why God invented it at all - was actually to get nearer to God and not further from Him/Her/It. Done properly, as we all know, sex brings with it, all kinds of things that are not brought to us any other way. It is soul-building and NOT soul-destroying as we have been taught to 'believe' it is.
Just as it is in the afterlife...
Before we were all bullied, beaten and dragged down to this pit of constant shame and guilt concerning sex - this quagmire of utter, distorted filth that is totally unfit for any Sovereign Entity - we were innocent to things like 'sex crimes'. We were ignorant to them because sex crime didn't exist then. Sex crimes didn't exist because we did not know what 'unnatural' sex was to then call it a 'crime'. Throughout the ages, 'sex crimes' have only come about due to religious/ignorance, indoctrination, enforcement and the control of masses of minds to do the bidding of the 'religious' and could never have been further from the truth - as IT really and truly is. It is and always has been, a truth that belongs to God only and not to the likes of ordinary men like you and I.
In our afterlife, we all have vibrant and very, very active sex lives. Moreover, because we have learned a trick or two along the way, we have all kinds of sex and expressions of it that you would never 'believe'. In our afterlife, religion does not dictate to you and I what this could mean for any of us for, thank God, when we die, unless we wish otherwise (and why would you?) we are fee from that too. Thus death, dying and the afterlife are not at all about misery and grief but are, in truth, all about 'freedom of expression' - which means SEX - and lots of sex - too!
But it doesn't stop there either for, are you aware that, because we do not need to 'die' to have it and that our souls never lose touch with our afterlife world that, MOST of our erotic dreams are also true?
You don't 'believe' me? That's Ok. You don't have to. I am nobody and so, you can ignore me. All I ask is that YOU look for yourself, as I did before you and where you too will discover this truth and so many others like it that will keep your jaw on the floor from now until God only knows when. It's all there, for you too.
Do this and you will see what I mean about how wrong all this is and that, to have this truth - and others like it, as FAR easier than you ever thought or was taught to 'believe' it was. If it wasn't then, I can assure you, I would never have done it myself.
I thank you for your time.
Bob Daulby