When you receive the Seal you will want to go to Heaven to be with your God, which will be much better than this life upon earth. And you will have the key to unlock Stenopyles, the door to Heaven.
Religious leaders have misled you. Yes, Christian leaders have misled you. They have told you that the Way into Heaven is an easy Way, and that the gate is a "wide" gate.
Even pictures and illustrations you have seen have taught you the wrong thing. You see a great golden gate to a city in the sky. Among the clouds there is someone like Saint Peter waiting to evaluate your performance.
It is not true! And it is not nice. It is a cruel trick to deceive people like this, to tell them that the gates of Heaven are in an airy place high above the earth on a sunny day with few other people around.
Those are not the gates of Heaven. The real gates of Heaven are a tight, confined, uncomfortable place where throngs of people are clawing their way toward the door. And few of them every get in.
Because the door is locked. You did not think you could just find the Way into Heaven and walk in, did you? You knew there was going to be a time of accounting. And there will be. Judgment Day.
That is why the door is locked. You will have to explain your life to God. And you will not be able to explain much of it. There is more sin that has happened in your life than you can explain to God.
Yes, you can be forgiven. And yes, you can have faith. But you are not aware of how you have fallen short of God's perfection. Like David, you have sin you do not even know about. And like David you can do something about it.
You were not forgiven for what you did not repent of. You did not confess all your sins; you accepted most of them. You have not wanted to change everything about yourself so you have only gone for the big onesthe outward sins.
You have confessed wrong actions like bearing false witness. That is easy enough. You knew you lied. But you have not confessed all your inner faults, those of things like anger and lust which are grievous sins according to Jesus.
But there is an easier way. You can change your inner person. You still have a chance. And when you change you can claim you have changed on Judgment Day. Then you can unlock Stenopyles, the door to Heaven.
Christian leaders throughout history have often led their followers in the wrong direction. They have not led them to Heaven. They have often led them away from Heaven, just like the Jewish leaders Jesus spoke against.
And often those Christian leaders were too concerned with administration of the church to deal with any individual and inner issues. Yet those issues are just what God is concerned with.
You can please God today by changing the way you think and feel. And this will unlock Stenopyles the door to Heaven. What is they key? Receiving the Seal in your forehead.
When you receive the Seal God will write His Name upon you. He will own you, and it will show. You will think of Him. That is why He is written on your forehead. That is where you think.
How you feel will change too when you are sanctified by the Holy Spirit. He will comfort you. And that will move mountains. Once you do not feel so much pain you will be able to easily change the way you think and feel.
It is an endless struggle. It is an endless battle. But you can start winning the fight today. And on Judgment Day claim you were sealed and so belonged to God and watch that key open the door to Heaven, Stenopyles.