Take It Back

We need to go back in history to see when and how our constitutional republic was lost. As people get serious about taking America back from the Liberals, they will need to learn when and how our constitutional republic was lost. It will be discovered that Barack Obama is not responsible for turning America in to a socialist nation. That project began centuries earlier with a vision of what America was created to be that has a long established historical lineage.

That vision has always been disputed. The division has always been between those who understand that the argument that civil government is "of the people, by the people and for the people" is a biblical position, and those who reject it as so and substitute a socialist (godless) definition, not far different from the Marxist vision of a classless society or democracy of the people. The phrase was first used by John Wyclif regarding his translation of the Bible in the mid-1600s, long before Lincoln borrowed it.

The methodology that passed the recent Healthcare Reform bill was worked out 30-50 years earlier in America's Mainline churches. If you are not familiar with it, you might read Gary North's, Crossed Fingers: How the Liberals Captured the Presbyterian Church, Institute for Christian Economics, 1996. The process that was perfected in the American Churches is now being applied to the American government.

Reversing the process will be difficult because Liberals have been in charge of public education curriculum for at least a hundred years. Most Americans have already been indoctrinated into believing that the values of Liberalism are America's values. Today, most Americans simply accept those values to be "normal." People don't know any better anymore. Ordinary people do not have access to curriculum selection in the public schools, so whatever paltry influence conservative reformers may garner there will simply be too little and too late.

The most accessible and effective area for conservative reform is exactly the same area that the Liberals used