The Abundant and Spiritual Law of Tithing

The spiritual law of tithing is one we all know, no matter what faith, religion or philosophy we come from. The idea of giving first to the higher power is one that is all faiths share.

Tithing is one of the principles in wealth generation. Giving 10% of your earnings is considered the standard amount, although some give much more, and some may be in a position to start out with a little less, the intention is 10%.

What does is say when we tithe? It says we are grateful and that we know there is much more where this came from and thus we give to source. Source being the higher power, some people call it God, in fact that is common within the western world, however this is not an article about religion, or what faith believes what, it is about a spiritual principle or key to wealth and I would prefer to speak on the principle of giving versus anything else.

Many folks would love to give, but they don't because they do not believe they can. It is exactly that belief that keeps them stuck where they are however and that is a tough lesson for many to learn; in fact many never learn it.

Others don't keep a faith of any kind so they don't really know who the source would be that they would tithe to. In those cases I would suggest that the place you would tithe to would be the place that gives you the greatest sense of nurturing and growth.

Is a charitable donation considered tithing? Not necessarily, however if the donation is made in thanks for the growth you have received by being a part of it, than I believe the spiritual principles are indeed being covered. Typically however tithing is the idea of giving back to source which is abundant. So, giving to charities, a much encouraged practice will increase you abundance many times over and still you will also tithe to your place of faith.

Does this sound like a lot of giving to you? It is. However if you were living in a state of abundance how much giving would be a lot? If there were more than enough in your life always, when would you stop giving? I hope the answer is never.

So, is it an issue of giving away too much, or... Not having enough? Chances are pretty good if you are wondering how you could possibly give away or tithe, than you are living in a state of lack. Without this being a good or bad thing, it's important to simply observe. Where are you right now? If you are attached to lack, you will receive more of it. Likewise if you are attached to abundance, you will receive more of that. It is the way it works and you have proven it to yourself time and time again over the years - if you take a moment to think about this - your life has shown up in exactly the ways you have been focused on.

That said. If you are coming through a situation and just beginning to open up to prosperous thinking and action, than create a gift that is a reflection of prosperity and may not be 10% at this moment. It is better to give 1% than nothing at all. Know in your heart that as you are more established you will increase your gifts and ultimately you may even tithe 15 or 20% in gratitude for the changes in your life. How much do you think Bill Gates tithes and gives?

You can give service, time is valuable, however just like money if you constantly think you don't have enough, you will never have enough. Giving of our valuable time can be considered tithing and for this moment that may be the appropriate place to start.

You get what you focus on. You will receive more and more when you believe that is possible. You will always have more than you need when you stop being needy. There is a principle that says, whatever you want more of, give it away, the means if you want more money, give, if your want more time, give, if you want more love, give, etc...

Practice gratitude and tithe. Find your balance and start to do this. Believe me when I tell you that if you do not, the higher power finds ways for you to tithe and that could end up being a busted water heater, $20 falling out of your pocket, a car repair or... You get the point.

The idea that it is better to give than receive is NOT what I'm speaking of. The act of self sacrifice is neither enlightened nor abundant. Even Mother Theresa received in return for her service, she may not have had a large bank account, however she was given huge mansions that she converted into homes for the sick, aged and forgotten, and she always had food, medicine and whatever else she needed to get her work done. That is true abundance. She received.

A compliment is not actually given until it is received, to give is a spiritual principle and to receive in gratitude is also a spiritual principle. Say thank you and ALLOW.

May you be blessed in life in every way and on every level and may you share this blessing with gratitude and celebration.