The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria PiningitRevealed?! Part 5
Below are extracts from the literature of the Summit Lighthouse concerning the incarnation of Satria Piningit as the Comte de Saint Germain :
"Upon his ascension from the Rakoczy Mansion in 1684, Ascended Master Saint Germain entered the Great Silence (nirvana) where his beloved twin flame Portia, the Goddess of Justicewhose name he had inscribed in The Merchant of Venicehad long been waiting his return. Not long thereafter, the beloved Sanctus Germanus was given the dispensation by the Lords of Karma to function in the world of form as an ascended being having the appearance of an unascended being.
"The archives of France contain evidence that English, Dutch, and Prussian statesmen of his (St.Germain's) time regarded the Count as an authority in many fields. He was hated by some while loved and held in awe by others. As one of his friends said, 'He was, perhaps, one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived... His heart was concerned only with the happiness of others.' The master alchemist (St.Germain) spoke French, German, English, Italian, Portuguese, and Russian so fluently that he was accepted as a native wherever he went. According to a contemporary account, 'the learned and the oriental scholars have proved the knowledge of the Count St.Germain. The former found him more apt in the languages of Homer and Virgil than themselves; with the latter he spoke Sanskrit, Chinese, and Arabic in such a manner as to show them that he had made some lengthy stay in Asia.' (Compare this to local ideas that the Knight wanders often as an austerity"Lelono broto") The Comtede Saint Germain composed, improvised, accompanied on piano without music 'not only every song but also the most difficult concerti, played on various instruments,' and played the violin 'like an orchestra.' His compositions remain today in the British Museum and the library of the castle of Raudnitz in Bohemia. He painted in oils with colours of gemlike brilliance, a 'secret' which he himself discovered. It is said that from 1737 to 1742, Saint Germain was at the Court of the Shah in Persia, there exhibiting his extraordinary knowledge of precipitating and perfecting precious stones, particularly diamonds. According to the memoirs of Madame du Hausset, Saint Germain once removed a flaw from a large diamond, which belonged to King Louis XV.
In his alchemical laboratory at the Royal Chateau at Chambord, Saint Germain was attended by a group of learned and noble students. The Count is described by Graf Cobenzl in a letter dated 1763: 'Possessing great wealth, he lives in the greatest simplicity; he knows everything, and shows an uprightness, a goodness of soul, worthy of admiration. Among a number of his accomplishments, he made, under my own eyes, some experiments, of which the most important were the transmutation of iron into a metal as beautiful as gold.' The Comte de Saint Germain thoroughly understood the use of herbs and plants and discovered medicines and elixirs to prolong life and maintain health. Many of his demonstrations of mastery are described in the diaries of Mme.d'Adhemar, who knew him for at least half a century. She records Saint Germain's visits to herself and to the courts of Louis XV and Louis XVI, noting in his glowing face the appearance of a man in his early forties throughout the period. She mentions a personal conversation with the Count in 1789 in which he appeared 'with the same countenance as in 1760.' In the same conversation he predicted the Revolution of 1789, the fall of the House of Bourbon, and the course of modern French history..."
We believe that this paper offers enough vital information to scholars and mystics to assist in correlating the information found herein with the information to be found in Javanese literature concerning Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit, or to the impressions that they have received psychically. It is of our opinion that what we have revealed here will be further substantiated through their efforts. We must also caution our readers that some individuals might commercialize the knowledge that we have revealed here for their own egoistic purposes, perhaps claiming themselves to be a representative of Satria Piningit. Please do not be fooled by this. The real knight is silent on such matters.
Messages from St. Germain
The following are messages from St. Germain, the Knight Commander, or Satria Piningitthey are extracts from the Pearls of Wisdom, published by the Summit Lighthouse:
"I am come to find my freedom fighters, those who stand for freedom and do not budge from that stance when freedoms are compromised... See to it that you are not the victims of tyrants, that you do not shy away from their confrontations, that you do not become cowards and say, 'Well, what of it? I can do without this or that privilege or freedom or right.'
"Well, beloved ones, you cannot do without your rights. For freedom is the very core of the victory. It is the very core of life. It is the very core of the soul rising in the flame of liberation... let us consider championing the right of the individual to know the unadulterated truth of the Path and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.
"I say, beloved, speak gently and tenderly and lovingly with an open heart, a loving heart, a compassionate heartthe heart of kindness that is the signet of Lord Maitreyaand speak on those subjects in which you find agreement with another. But come to the place where you are also willing to take a stand as freedom fighters, even as the wondrous saints have gone forth to fight the battles of this century and many past centuries and have laid down their lives for the honor, the freedom and the defense of their nations and their causes.
"We have won this victory (of freedom) in the United States. We must maintain that victory. And we must win it and maintain it in all nations, for freedom of religion and every one of the four sacred freedoms must be guarded.
"Blessed hearts, this is an hour to champion the cause of non-discrimination in politics and religion in America and in every nation upon earth. For there are tyrants in every nation; and where governments have not guaranteed the sacred freedoms, these tyrants have gotten away with torturing and imprisoning their own citizens for challenging them and their regimes.
"Freedom fighters all, I say to you: Fight for your own wisdom! Fight for your own education! Fight for your own desire to champion the millions and not only the few... Mine is the urgent message that absolute God-freedom must cover the globe, beloved.
"This is the calling, beloved. It is the calling to affirm the right of every soul to practice the religion of his choice 'with malice toward none, with charity for all.' In this spirit, affirm to those you contact, 'You have a right to believe what you believe.' And if it is known that some do not believe as you do and you feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to show them another way, the Ascended Masters' way, then do it gently. Suggest but do not compel. Teach by example and always with compassion.
"We are opening the door of the Aquarian Age! And we desire to open that door to a golden age!
"Let us accomplish our tasks. Let us slay the dragons! Let us go forth in boldness. If we must give all of our life-essence to champion the cause of freedom of a single person or of the millions, then we must be willing to do it... we will say, 'I will not stand still before this injustice!' (Spoken like a true knight).
"When you say that, my beloved Portia (the Goddess of Justice, Ratu Adil) will come to you and champion you. Blessed hearts, if you would be worthy of Portia, if you would have her as your living Guru, do not allow a single injustice to pass that you do not challenge; for then you will have her as your mighty supporter. And her support is ultimate, beloved.
"Do not slacken your pace, for I am moving across the earth in all the nations of the world... And I come to scourge the earth! And I come to drive out those who are not of the Truth, those who are not speakers of the Truth, but out of their mouths come 'unclean spirits like frogs.' And many of those who speak not the Truth occupy the top leadership positions of their nations.
"We are determined, beloved. You must have greater determination than you have ever had. It is God who reaches out to man. You must reach out to God with equal and greater fervor, for you have the greater need.
"... I stand as the Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius and my burdens are great in the earth and for the earth, I take on few chelas (disciples) directly, on a one-on-one basis.
"You can raise yourself up. That is a truth. You can do it in God. You can transcend mortality as I did. You can taste your immortality even while in the flesh. But you must work at it. You must focus on it. You must get out of the grave of buried problems. You must get out of the self-made grave of your dark vision of self and others... See Christ. Know his glory."
How to Become a Knight
After reading thus far, the question might arise: "How may I work on behalf of the Spiritual Hierarchy, the World-Teachers, Lord Maitreya, Ratu Adil and Satria Piningit? And how may I earn my spiritual knighthood?" Working for spiritual forces entails aligning oneself with the Light and all that is Good. Intense preparation is necessary. One has to purify one's being, physically, emotionally, and mentally of all dross and toxinsall subconscious patterns of hate, malice, avarice, envy, intolerance, selfishness and other negative qualities; one has to master the false ego. One has to discipline one's passions, appetites, and desires, and express the higher spiritual aspect of Self. One has to acquire a spiritual consciousness through constant meditation and awareness of one's true identity, and by doing so build a bridge of communication between oneself and superior intelligences in order to receive their directions, inspirations, and counsel.
One has to be able to attune himself with his Higher Self, with his Master, with his spiritual group, with the Lord of his Ray, with the Spiritual Hierarchy, and with Shamballa and other focus points on earth of Cosmic beings. The level of one's intelligence has to be raised, and the frequency of one's holistic being accelerated. There is a saying that many are called but few are chosen. Those that are chosen are actually the individuals that choose themselves to be chosen. We have mentioned this principle before. The "chosen" volunteer selflessly for the work.
It is a vital matter to realize that nobility is not a matter of flesh and blood. We do not inherit nobility from our forefathers. Nobility is a quality that the soul has to unfold within itself. We are noble not by being born in any caste, but by simply becoming or being one's True Self.
To earn one's knighthood one has to learn the meaning of self-sacrifice, service and selflessness. The spiritual qualities that characterizes a knight one has to embodyqualities such as loyalty, harmlessness, devotion, honesty, courage, sincerity, purity, goodwill, inclusiveness, serenity, gratitude, contentment, creativity, etc. One must possess the degree of purity with which Sir Galahad embodied, and echo his words by saying: "My strength is the strength of ten because I am pure."
Endurance, humility, patience, and moral strength are also virtues that should adorn and protect every knight. All of the virtues are the knight's strength and powerthe knight's weapons of offence and defense, however, underlying all of these virtues lies the knight's greatest power: Love. Without embodying Divine Love a knight is lifeless and worthless.
True spiritual knights do not care for rewards, and often prefer to work silently in the background. They never attract attention to themselves and do not care for the opinions of men. They are not attached to the world, and they seldom complain. They are psychologically centered and are the same whether rich or poor, in pain or in healththey always maintain a joyful, calm mien. Simplicity and sweetness characterizes knights of the Light. Knights are noble and express beauty in their behavior, speech, movement, gait, and thoughts. Knights are likewise sensitive to beauty in all of its forms. They are well-attuned with Nature and often differ from the ordinary person when it comes to understanding life. This particular trait makes others perceive them as quaint, strange or even irrational. Spiritual knights all have the qualities of Satria Piningit on a lesser scale; however, they still tower far above the average person in spiritual dignity.
Aside from developing a chivalric nature, it is necessary for the knight-in-becoming to study the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, the teachings of the Masters, the Cosmic laws of the universe, and follow a path of spiritual training. The sacred scriptures of both East and West, like the Bhagavad Gita, for instance, are training manuals for the Aquarian knights.
Though a knight may possess power, he is to learn to wield it with wisdom, intelligence and love. He serves all those that require his services should the need be in accord with Cosmic law, and he ever seeks to improve his skills and abilities. He is always obedient to the still, small, voice within. It goes without saying that knights must have a growing sense of responsibility.
By training and disciplining one's threefold instrumentthe physical body, the emotions, and the mindby exercising one's will, one gradually grows aware of a higher presence living in one's heart. This is the birth of the spirit of the Christ, the inner warrior, priest, healer, teacher, and king in one's consciousness. This Christ-Consciousness will have to be nourished through selfless work. In the course of time one's threefold-flame burning in the heart will grow so beautifully and one's aura will shine so brightly that it will attract the attention of spirit beings everywhere, and they will recognize, honor, and tremble in one's presence. They will know one as a light-bearer, a keeper of the flame, a knight of the light, a son or daughter of God.
How and where does a knight work? A knight works for truth, freedom, and justice no matter in what social field or human endeavor he (or she) may find himself, no matter in what office or position. The spiritual knight no longer fights with a physical sword. He fights with a fiery tongue, and with a pen whose ink never runs dry. He knows the truth of the saying that "the pen is mightier than the sword." When he speaks all are silent. His words are few, but they carry the weight of the Cosmos. His words remain etched in the minds of his listeners forever. The knight never compels, but suggests and appeals. He is not a man of words, but a man of action. He is more of an exemplar than a preacher. Seldom will a knight justify his actions or defend himself in any way, though he will fight till death on behalf of others. Like the rest of the world, Indonesia has produced many beautiful knights, both men and women, who fought on behalf of Truth, Justice and Freedom.
The knight is forever in search of the Holy Grail, the philosopher's stone, or Cintamanithe precious jewel of Shamballa. Cintamani is the love jewel, the doctrine of the heart, or compassion, and is related to the heart-chakra. It is this divine quality that the knight seeks to unfold within his being. The true knight knows that selfishness and self-centerednessthe ways of Atlantis is overthat the Piscean way of life of greed and ill-will should no longer be sustained.
The following points are important for the would-be knight to consider: