The first miracle of Kateri Tekakwitha occurred within fifteen minutes after her death. Her face, which had been scarred from Smallpox from the time she was four years old, all of a sudden lost all the scars. She was transformed into the beautiful girl she had been as a child. The witness, Fr. Cholenec, who had stayed at her side to pray her into Heaven, let out a shout. He, who was not by any means one given to sensationalism, drew everyone's attention to Kateri's face, which was now magnificent and radiant.
After that, people flocked to her grave, people with all infirmities - the blind, the lame and the sick. Healings took place in mammoth proportions. After a while small packets of dirt from her grave were handed out and given credit for healings and conversions. Some testified that merely thinking of Kateri, asking for her intercession, brought about miracles.
Her first apparition came on Easter Monday, six days after her death. Fr. Chaucheti