The Positive Impact of Islam on Europe

Islam has been a part of European history for over 1400 years, making it an essential aspect of the continent's social and cultural makeup. Islam's history in Europe is one that has been marked by both positive and negative developments. In recent years, the impact of Islam on Europe has become a topic of debate amongst academics, media outlets, and politicians. While some people portray Islam as a violent and oppressive religion, the reality is that the impact of Islam on Europe has been overwhelmingly positive. In this article, we will explore the positive effect of Islam on Europe.

Trade and Commerce

Muslim merchants and traders played a significant role in the development and expansion of Europe's trading routes. The geographical location of many Islamic countries meant that they served as a gateway between Europe and Asia. Muslim traders and explorers brought goods from the East, including spices, silk, and ideas, which had a profound impact on the economy and food culture of Europe. Additionally, the Islamic banking system had a significant influence on modern Western banking, which incorporated many aspects of Islamic finance practices. Islamic banking values low debt, ethical investing, and social responsibility, which helped establish a robust and stable economy.


One of the most impressive Islamic contributions to Europe is architecture. The Spanish Moors' conquest of the Iberian Peninsula led to the creation of an Islamic architectural style that would influence buildings throughout Europe. The Alhambra palace in Granada and the Mesquita of Cordoba are two of the most magnificent Islamic buildings in Europe, with their intricate archways and geometric patterns. The Islamic architecture style also had a significant impact on churches in Spain and France, with Gothic and Romanesque architecture incorporating Islamic features like horseshoe arches and decorative tilework. Many historians consider the Great Mosque of Paris, which opened in 1926, as one of the most magnificent examples of Islamic-style architecture in Europe.

Science and Learning

Islamic scholars and thinkers played a crucial role in European scientific and cultural progress. During the Islamic Golden Age, from the 8th to the 14th century, Islamic scholars made significant contributions to the development of knowledge in Europe. Muslim scientists studied, translated, and preserved the works of Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates, including their mathematics, astronomy, and medicine. The Arabic numerals and decimal-point system used throughout the world today were introduced to the West by Islamic mathematicians. The works of Muslim scientists, like al-Khwarizmi, al-Kindi, and Ibn al-Haytham, contributed to what is considered the Western Renaissance, paving the way for modern science as we know it today.

Music and Poetry

Even though many Islamic countries advocated strict gender segregation, Islamic women poets, writers, and musicians have played a role in preserving and developing artistic traditions throughout Europe. Recitation of the Quran, poetry, and music all played a critical part in Islamic worship and ritual. Muslim musicians and poets were encouraged to create spiritual music and poetry that celebrated the beauty of Islam. Islamic Spain was renowned for its love poetry and music, which had a profound impact on the Western world, especially the troubadour tradition of courtly love poetry.

Influence on European Culture and Identity

Islam in Europe has had a significant influence on the history and development of the continent. The Muslim presence in Europe helped form part of Europe's political and social system, and many European cities and regions still bear evidence of their Islamic heritage. The Islamic impact on Europe also includes language, dress, and customs, with many words in European languages deriving from Arabic and Persian. The Islamic influence on European art, music, literature, and cuisine underscores the considerable contributions of Muslims to European life and culture.


In conclusion, Islam's positive impact on Europe is undeniable, and the continent's rich history is intertwined with the contributions of Muslim people. Islam has influenced the development of European culture, including its music, poetry, and architecture. The Islamic Golden Age contributed significantly to European scientific and cultural progress, and Islamic scholars' works helped pave the way for modern science as we know it today. Moreover, Islamic banking values and practices provided Europe with a stable and robust economy, while the religion's trading practices contributed significantly to the development and expansion of the European trading routes. Therefore, Islam is not a foreign or alien element of European identity but rather an integral part of European history and culture.