The Six Ghosts of Fear

It is important to understand how faith works, from the scientific and psychological perspective as well as from the theological and scriptural.

The subconscious mind is like a film in a movie camera, a tape in a tape recorder or a chip in a computer. Knowledge is stored permanently.

We know that humans never forget anything. Every experience we've had is indelibly recorded within us. We may lose the powers of conscious recall, but under deep psychoanalysis, we can usually recollect experiences that have long been forgotten in the depths of our memories.

When you exercise positive believing by imaging, visualizing or picturing in your mind what you desire, you are in effect making a cybernetic imprint. Your strongly held beliefs leave an indelible stamp on your subconscious, almost like a tattoo on the skin. As you evaluate the thoughts you allow into your conscious mind, remember: Each thought becomes a tattoo on the skin of your memory either for good or ill.

Therefore, it is vitally important to your mental muscles that you control what you allow to be imprinted on the hard drive of your mind. You are either inputting positive believing which is truth or false truth which is fear.

Remember; FEAR is