St Augustine was the founder of the Augustinian order and is known as the last ancient man and the first modern man. As intellectual executive of the North African Church, as well as the entire Western Church of his time, he made an applicable ellipsis on Christian dogma in general. As activist in all theological and ecclesiastical matters, he naturally became the appropriate commander of the orthodox doctrine against Manichaean, Donatist and Pelagian.
He was born in the year 354 on the 13th of November at Tagaste, a village in the North African province of Numidia. Always portrayed as the man with an upturned eye, a pen in the left hand and a burning heart in the right, he was a theological genius with an appallingly deep and opulent mind and a heart full of love.
He inherited his deep yearning for God from his father, and expresses this yearning when he says