The Truth About God That Only The Church of Christ Know

Today, thousands of Christian sects exist. Each of them have their own doctrines that contradicts that of the others. However, all these sects except the Church of Christ uphold the teaching that Christ is God.

Is it true that the Church of Christ taught its members a different God from the god of todays Christian sects? This question has been answered by Apostle Paul, a minister of the Church of Christ on his letter to the Corinthians:

6 yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. (I Corinthians 8:6, NKJV)

According to Apostle Paul, for them (members of the Church of Christ) there is only one God. Who is their God? The one God referred to by Apostle Paul is the Father. If for the Church of Christ the Father is the only God and the God of today's Christian sects is Christ, therefore it is clear that the God of the Church of Christ is really different to the god of today's Christian sects.

Why is it that the Church of Christ uphold the teaching that the Father is the only God? Do they formulated their own doctrines on God? Christ answers:

1 Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: