The United States Was Consecrated To The Immaculate Conception In 1847?
Did you know...? The First Council of Baltimore in 1846 proclaimed Our Mother Mary: "Mary in her Immaculate Conception Principal Patron of the United States." The Bishops of the United States on February 7, 1847 affirmed it by: "...unanimously placing the Catholic Church under the special patronage of the Blessed Virgin."
Our Lady has been trying to get the message of Her Immaculate Conception across in many of her apparitions to the people of God?
In Paris in 1830, she gave us the Miraculous Medal. But it wasn't supposed to be the Miraculous Medal. It was originally called the Medal of the Immaculate Conception. If you read the prayer that circles the edges of the medal, it reads "Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee." The first time Our Lady appeared to Catherine Labour