True or False - Can You Tell The Difference?

We live in a world of deception and untruths. There was a time when a man was as good as his word. Two people would agree, shake hands, and it was as good as done. Today, we need attorneys, meetings, and clarifications on every single little point, so that we won't get taken down the primrose path and get stuck holding an empty bag.

People live today in very tight quarters, and we are so afraid to come out, we are so afraid of getting taken. This is the world we live in today.

It's OK to lie, as long as you get what you want in the end. We cheat on our spouses, taxes; lie to our bosses and business partners. Banks lie and cheat their customers and governments make laws to legalize their thievery, so they can vacation in one of their four homes that they own. Congressman and the President