It is through my own experiences, guidance from all kinds of beings (physical and non-physical), and the theories from metaphysics/spirituality/religion about God that I am able to answer the "unanswerable" question, what is God? The information that comes from metaphysics (which is the philosophical study of being and knowing) does not go against any ancient wisdom or major religions. Instead it is able to compliment them.
There are three key aspects pertaining to God that have been passed down in all sacred texts and major religions in some form, although they may have become distorted over time:
1. God is One
2. God is Everywhere and Everything
3. You are a part of God (or you have a soul)
By combining these three aspects and relating metaphysics with my own experiences, I would like to provide you with a comprehensive view of God possible (in words).
But before I begin, I want to let you know that in no way am I forcing my concept of God on you. Instead I would like to simply provide you with an alternative view of God; that perhaps you may have never considered. It is my hope that you will explore on these ideas to see if they resonate with you. If they do not, please don't force yourself to hold them, instead let them go, maybe you will come back to them and maybe you won't. Only do what is right for you. I can not tell you what will work for you; I can only tell you what has worked for me. And in explaining how I have come to understand God, I sincerely hope you find what is right for you!
Okay, here we go...
There are many names for God including, but not limited to, Higher Self, All-That-Is, One, etc