What Is Love And How To Invoke The Love Of God?

Many people are happy with the performance of rites and perception on the name and symbol beloved of God, believing that the love of God through a variety of faith. Blessed are those who are saturated with much genuine love for God, which is one for all and continue to sing the spiritual consciousness in it.

To have a passionate desire, longing, and feelings of all that is useful, care or are objects of pleasure is called love. But this is not true love. It is conditional love. This love continues to change with the change of state. This love is our need and do not contribute to invoke the true love of God. To call the true love of God, you must exceed all your requirements to think consciously in deep meditation.

Love does not mean that any sexual relationship as it is based on the condition of the enjoyment, caring and attractive. An intense feeling of affection towards everything without any conditions is love. A strong positive emotion invokes the true unconditional love. Love for any name or symbol of God who calls to silence the mind and inner realization in pure consciousness is true love. These feelings of love for silence transcend all circumstances and are necessary to experience the love of God in pure consciousness.

A person is raised in the emotions of love with the true name of God without form, while consciousness is raised in love and is ready to sacrifice anything seen in any way of faith. Your faith may be in Allah, God, Ram or any other name to come to the emotions. Love oneness of God, the name or logo is not important. How much dedication and emotion to express love is important. In this way, all names mentioned in any way the belief in a language met the same silence in mind and inner realization of pure consciousness. It still relies on the emotions in the song of silence. This is true of meditation and love for God.

True Love refers pulse gently into the physical body, breathing deep into the lungs, and is ready to sacrifice everything to be loved. For example, the love of a mother for her child is ready to sacrifice anything and without any condition. Many mothers will sacrifice anything for their children unconditionally. These feelings of love for the mother are necessary for this experience of true love to God or anything given its image.

Whoever becomes saturated with much genuine love for God, which is one for all, experience is probably the song of spiritual awareness. Whoever becomes saturated in silence sings of pure consciousness is usually not afraid of anything in life. It is not in the habit of demanding than to meet its current capacity. It is still in the atmosphere of joy in all situations. He does not hate or attachment to someone or something in his memory and thought.

Passion for the love of God invokes the usual patience, kindness and gratitude. True love of God does not envy, it does not boast, it is free of arrogance. It is not selfish. If such a character of pure consciousness is not reached, no experience of love to God has reached. Love to God experience is mere perception. His love for the true name of God without form is a thought in his subconscious.