Who Says It Is Impossible to Know What the Future Holds?
Most people believe it is not possible to know what is going to take place in the future. There are others who claim to know exactly what the future holds. One example is the fortune-tellers and astrologers and those who claim to talk to the dead. One such famous lady who appeared almost monthly in the center pages of a well-known celebrity news sheet, allegedly was a seer who could foretell future events. Another news hawk decided to see how many of her futuristic predictions had come true. He found the accuracy level was less than 1%.
Well, such an outcome is not really surprising. When mere men claim to know what the future holds, it is only guesswork. However, there is One who knows exactly what the future holds. That One is God! And He foretells in the Book He wrote, the Bible, the major events to transpire before they happen. What He reveals is going to happen can be counted on to the finest detail. What He predicts in His Word, the holy scriptures, will come to pass one hundred per cent of the time. Bible prophecy is simply