Why Blessing Your Food is So Important

If you want to maintain happy emotions it is very important to pray over your food and drink before consuming it. This is even more important to do if you want to grow spiritually.

Praying over your food and drink is especially important if you are eating food that has not been prepared yourself or at least by someone who has a good energy.

Food is made of energy. Your body, mind and spirit are energy. Energy can be transmitted by touch. There are subtle invisible thought-forms that can pass from one person to another when one person prepares food and another eats it.

I will give a story to illustrate this. Like most people, I virtually never did bless my food. Then I met and married my husband Michael. He always prayed over his food and drink and blessed it in Jesus' name. My food and drink received the same treatment, so I still didn't do it.

During this time I was also growing in sensitivity to different energies and working to improve my self in as many different areas as possible. One day, I ate some sandwiches or something similar that I had purchased from a cafe. Soon after, I felt REALLY tired and rundown. I then realized that since Michael was not with me, that no one had prayed over my food. I then prayed for the food that was inside me. I reacted in some way like yawning which is a sign that energy is being released, and then I felt much better.

As you grow spiritually and increase your sensitivity, this becomes even more important. One day, after I had learned that 50% of chocolate that is not organically grown is grown by children slaves in Africa, I gave into my baser instincts and ate some chocolate frozen yogurt which was not organic. Very soon after, I got very sick. I realised that I had tuned into the energy of those poor child slaves through the chocolate and my new knowledgeof their existence. I prayed to break the connection to those children, and committed to never again eat any chocolate that wasn't organic or guaranteed to be free of promoting child slavery. Immediately thereafter, I recovered.

Blessing your food and drink is especially important to do if you are eating food prepared by strangers. Consider how many people now are involved in all kinds of negative activities, such as pornography and satanism. Some of those people may be in the kitchen that prepared the food you order.

Offering your food and drink to God before consuming it can nullify bad energies in it.

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