Worship Leading By Inspiration

Worship Leading is a far more complex role than most worship leaders realize! They start off thinking that all they need to do is sing and the rest will follow, but over the years I have learned many things about worship leading and managing my musicians and singers. In creating and working with different worship teams I have made made hundreds of mistakes, most if which I don't would like you to make when you are http://www.worship-leading.com/worshipleading/.

In that we must recollect that while we must have a set of basic rules of our groups, we shouldn't be hard set in our worship leading policies. This is a mistake that I made early on and shortly found out terribly quickly a volunteers heart is to serve not be restricted by a bunch of rules. As I recall scripture has things to say about rules that are too stern. Are we going to act like Pharisees, or are we going to step up and act like true worship leaders!

The best leaders lead by motivation, not by overbearing orders and a bunch of rules. If you want the best from your team, become a worship leader of the highest caliber, and inspire the support and devotion of those you lead in your http://www.worship-leading.com/worshipleading/ministry.

Another point to recollect is that we must be open to adapting to the requirements of the team. Remember this is a worship leading ministry. For instance, say your drummer just got a new job. And part of that job requires him to take some night classes. He still wants to be on the team but his classes happen to be on the booked walk Thur nights. He knows that he must rehearse to be on the team. What do you do? Simply ask the rest of the team if there's another night or time that they could meet. Almost all of the time you may be able to work something out. Whether it's childcare or job related or what ever. Evolve to the wants of the people as long as it will not hinder the team in a negative way.

Another frequent mistake many worship leaders is making rehearsals too structured. And you have new songs you wish to work on. But ensure you have fun too. Infrequently the team just desires to fellowship awhile with one another before you rehearse.

Again this is first and most important a http://www.worship-leading.com/worshipleading/ministry. We must never forget that. Get together for at least just rehearsals and the service. Don't simply rehearse and serve together, play together. Have parties. Go on barbecues. Simply put, have fun together away from the band setting. Fellowship together. This is a good way to get to know one another and to build relationships.

Remember, all work and no play will make the singers and musicians stay away.

For more thoughts on all facets of Worship Leading , including how to effectively manage your people, check out our worship leading website.