11 Smart Choices You Can Make

1. Choose positive and kind self-talk. Train yourself to be your biggest fan.

2. Surround yourself with the kind of people you want to be like, because that's what's going to happen.

3. Do something solid with your hands every day, preferably something involving soil.

It'll keep you sane and "grounded."

4. Improve your emotional intelligence (EQ) every day.

It's a success and happiness skill you can do something about, unlike your IQ!

5. Indulge yourself in the artsseveral modalities.

It rounds off sharp edges, improves creativity and intuition, and gives the foundation for metaphor, a master coaching and life skill.

6. Get more theta waves in your life.

Theta waves, an uncommon state in alert adulthood, are where people under the age of 13 spend their time. It induces creativity, intuition, and feeling good. So play more!

7. Make use of hypnagogic time, the "twilight" just before and after sleep.

Use it to visualize dreams, solutions and alternatives.

8. Choose to be optimistic. Like other emotional intelligence competencies, it can be learned.

Optimistic people accomplish more, live longer healthier lives, and undoubtedly enjoy it more.

9. Temper reality with optimism, and optimism with reality.

10. Don't live in isolation.

Isolation is worse for your health than smoking, high cholesterol, or obesity.

10. When you're in a transition, get a coach.

Why stand at the crossroads alone?

About the Author

Susan Dunn is a personal and professional development coach. Visit her on the web at www.susandunn.cc. mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE ezine.