12 New Quotable Quotes To Add A Zing To Your Ezine, Newsletter Or Website

Any of these quotes may be freely published with the
authors name and website address left in tact.


By Noel Peebles

1. Friends And Associates

“Surround yourself with people who will make you feel better about yourself.
Seek out people who focus on what’s right and good, rather than what’s
wrong and bad.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

2. Earning A Living

“The predictability of earning a living can lull an employee into a false sense
of security. They often develop an ‘earn to spend’ mindset. Compare that
to the small business owner who may have no real guarantee of a steady
income - so will spend money only when absolutely necessary.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

3. Goals

“If you don’t know what you want and why you want it, how can you
make a realistic plan to get it?”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

4. Banking

“Despite what banks might say in the millions of dollars they spend on
advertising - they really couldn't care less about you. BANKS ONLY
WANT YOUR MONEY! If you don't believe me, try borrowing some
money from a bank, and see how ruthless they can be.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

5. Entrepreneurs

“Most successful entrepreneurs have a strong passion for their ideas or
concepts. They know what they want and they know what they enjoy
doing. Their work becomes their play.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

6. Self Reliance

“Understand that a government benefit or pension, at most, will provide the
bare essentials and allow you to live frugally. Pensions are not designed to
pay mortgages, car installments, or credit card bills. Nor are they designed
to keep you in the lifestyle to which you may have become accustomed.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

7. Motivation

“Motivation happens when you mix: the forces of discontent with things as
they are, with the power of hope for things as they might be. A combination
of these positive and negative forces will trigger the motivation to take action.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

8. Success (a)

“Success in life depends on your own personal level of motivation, dedication,
and commitment. Your level of motivation will determine what you do and
your attitude will determine how well you do it.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

9. Success (b)

“Success is a chain of events. It occurs when opportunity is linked with
preparation... which in turn is linked with hard work... which is then
linked with action.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

10. Success In Business

“Success or failure in business doesn’t happen overnight.
It doesn’t happen by accident. Success in business is a mix of thinking,
systems and actions - all working together, day in and day out.”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

11. Action (a)

"Discontent is often a prelude to success. However, wanting something is
not enough. Hope is no replacement for action. Your motivation must be
totally compelling if you are to conquer the obstacles that will test you in life.
Success comes to those who are truly motivated and hunger for action!”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

12. Action (b)

“Action is more important than just believing. Don't just dream about it,
don't just believe you can... go and make it happen. Develop a sense of
urgency in your life to make it happen. Take action!”

Noel Peebles, Author “Sell Your Business The Easy Way”

Any of the above quotes may be freely published with the authors
name and website address left in tact.

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About the Author

Noel Peebles runs his own direct marketing and internet company,
supplying marketing and management solutions for small businesses.