2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination

Curing procrastination is about overcoming fear. If you can
conquer the fears which are causing you to put off
important projects you will be well on your way to curing

Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power
or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is
about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of
and finding ways to face those fears in order to move
forward in our lives.

What are you afraid of?

1. Fear of Failure.

The fear of failure is by far the most obvious fear which
can cause disabling procrastination. This is especially
true as it pertains to our professional lives, careers, and
for college students their assignments.

If the fear of failure is causing you to put off a task
then what you need to do is sit down and think carefully
about all of the possible outcomes if indeed you fail.

Actually, first consider what does it mean to fail? If you
can not answer this question then you have nothing to fear
and your task of curing procrastination is finished.

If you can certainly imagine failing in the given task then
consider for a minute what is the worst possible
consequence of failing.

Make peace with this, accept it and you have nothing more
to fear. The Samurai of early Japan taught themselves to
make peace with the fact that they could die at any time.

By doing this they eliminated almost all other fears
because, of course, what could be worse than that. They
certainly learned the trick to curing procrastination.

2. Fear of Success.

If you think that maybe your procrastination is being
caused by your fear of success then curing procrastination
becomes all that much easier.

Why are you afraid of success?

Chances are you want success but you fear that you will not
be able to live up to the responsibilities of success and
everything it brings.

Or maybe, you are aware that success will bring negative
consequences in addition to positive things. If you are to
succeed in curing procrastination then you must come to
terms with what to expect with success and weigh the good
versus the bad.

If the undesired results outweigh the bad then just decide
not to do the project at all and you have just succeed in
one thing...... curing procrastination. You see if you remove
a task from your plate then there is no longer anything to
procrastinate about.

Curing procrastination is not impossible and it is within
everyone's reach. It is really a mind game. In summary,
curing procrastination is possible when you face your fears
head on and eliminate them with an understanding of why you
are afraid.

About the Author

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: http://www.getmotivatedstaymotivated.com/special.htm