5 Secrets to Achieving Your Goals with Passion

Some faces scrunch up as if to say, "I wish you had not asked
that!" Others look contemplative, as if saying, "Oh, I am so grateful
you reminded me of that question, now I can take some powerful
action!" And then there are the few who answer with confidence,

knowing exactly what they are meant to do by when and how.

What is the question?

"What are your goals for the next "Insert the period of time here."?

Sometimes the exact phrase is changed. Some people who may
look at "Goals" in different ways. For them, the question might be,
"What is your vision?" or "What is your intention?"

Nonetheless, the root question is the same. "What do you want to
grow towards? Where is the gap in your life you currently want to

Until this question is answered, aimlessness is what governs your

Forever etched in my mind was the first session with Ray. He told
me before we got started that he was trying this out much like he
would go to the parade to see the Emperor in his new clothes. He
was not convinced there was anything to coaching, but since he
was curious, he wanted to work with me as he created his newest

At the conclusion of the session, I always give fieldwork assignments,
as the session itself is what I refer to as "Locker Room Talk". The
game is played out on the field, and the Coach remains on the
sidelines. Fieldwork is sort of like the Play book: it brings to life
on the field what the Coach has taught in the locker room and
during practice. It integrates the lessons into the player's lives.

One of the assignments included continued work to make his
vision crystal clear, to take the cobwebs away, to get inside them
with a microscope so nothing would get in the way of creating

Ray groaned, as if in pain. "Oh, you have hit one there. I know
how goals work. I know writing it down works. I know how
important this is. AND I have been ignoring it."

Later that week, I received an email thanking me for pushing him.
In the next six weeks he achieved more than he had achieved in in
the previous six months. And it all started with a discussion of
goals followed by taking action on those goals. Step by step by

Below is an outline so you may achieve your goals passionately,
just as Ray did.

Goal Secret #1-Paint a PICTURE. Don't just write your goals in
words, craft your goals so you can see and experience the end
result. Paint a glorious, three dimensional multi sensory goal
instead of a one dimensional, flat goal. When you can clearly see
and experience it, you can more easily create it. One way to make
a picture is through creating a dream board. Simply cut out
pictures from magazines that illustrate aspects of your goal and
make a collage. Hang the Dream Board where you can see it
frequently. Your picture will quickly and artfully come to reality.

Secret #2-POSITIVE framing of your goal by crafting your goal
using a positive perspective rather than a negative perspective. In
your goal, you will want to be growing towards something instead
of avoiding something. Using positive language attracts positive
situations and people into your life. Avoiding stuff brings more
stuff to avoid.

Secret #3- Have PASSION for your desired result. Lets face it, you
will have more interest in reaching your goals if they are something
you are passionate about. If you are living your life based upon
someone else's dreams or someone else's passion, what do you
suppose will happen? Very little of significance-so choose passion!

Secret #4-PRECISION in crafting your goal is critically important in
achieving it. On the same point, it is also important to not be totally
attached to achieving it exactly as you first created it. I refer to this
quality as "Passionate Detachment". This means your vision is
crucially important to you, this particular project and its particular
result are simply a piece of it, they are NOT the entire vision and
they are NOT you personified. With PRECISION, write your goals
such as this: "My intention is to have X number of new accounts
by Y date using the following tools 1, 2, and 3". If you just say
"I want to have lots of accounts" well, thats interesting. Just
doesn't mean anything, so it is unlikely you will get to where you

want to be very quickly.

Secret #5-POLISH your goal as you grow towards it. One of my
favorite examples of polishing goals is Oprah Winfrey, whose goa
was to be a Network News Anchor. She never became one,
obviously. She did, however, become an American icon, positively
effecting millions of people every weekday. She polished her goal,
making modifications as her life changed. She loved herself and
her vision enough to not be overly rigid.

Cecil B. DeMille, American Film Producer and Director said, "The
person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his
goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication."
Being dedicated to your vision and allowing yourself room to
create it will bring you to higher heights than you could ever

Want to be the next Oprah (or whomever you admire)? Polish your
goals with passionate precision. Picture yourself already there
from a positive perspective. Live Passionately, today.

About the Author

Julie Jordan Scott is a Personal Success Coach who left her career
as a government bureaucrat and built a successful business in less
than six months. She now combines mothering 4 children with inspiring
people worldwide with her books, ezine, teaching and personal coaching.
Visit http://www.5passions.com for free resources for YOUR success
Email her at mailto:julie@5passions.com or call 661.325.4116