5 Steps To A Great Life

Here are what I believe to be the five steps to creating the life you want. Of course, a five-step list to the perfect life has to be kind of short and requiring definition! However, these five are a great start!

1. Have gratitude.
Gratitude opens the door for all that follows. Have gratitude for where you are and how you got there. Give thanks for what you have and those around you.

2. Acceptance
Can you accept that you are where you are because of the choices you have made? Every choice combined together has created the life you now have. You may not have been aware of the choice you were making, but it was a choice just the same.

Accept that your life is perfect as it is. Not to say it is wonderful, or perfection, but that it is perfect in the sense that you created it, and therefore you can change it if you want.

3. Choose
Begin to make conscious choices on a consistent basis. Hold every decision to your values and definitions of success as a measuring tool. This will begin to create a life based on what calls to you and what you have defined as success to you.

4. Let go the outcome
The challenging part of all this is giving up the idea that you have any other control of your future! If you define success as money, or a job, or a relationship, then you are bound to be disappointed. Life never gives us what we want, but what we deserve.

Once we decide to create a life based on what is most important to us, then we must let go the outcome and trust that those decisions will bring to us what we need.

If each of us creates a world that fulfills us based on our values, and we feel successful based on internal (and controllable) instead of external (and uncontrollable) rewards, then we can be successful without money, or relationships or any other external gratification.

5. Attract
What follows is the power of attraction. As you find your life increasingly filled with joy, and happiness, you begin to attract things to you that you need. This may be money or relationships or power.

The difference is that money, relationships and power are not success in themselves, but now you can use these tools to enrich your life as well as others.

About the Author

Miami Phillips is an ANSIR Certified Personal Coach who believes personal growth is an essential ingredient to being happy and contributing to this world.