7 Journaling Tips

7 Journaling Tips

 by: Doreene Clement

1.Set your journal or diary where you will see it everyday, i.e., on your nightstand, at your desk, where you have coffee. This will help to remind you to journal.

2.Part of keeping a journal, is skipping a day, a week, and even months.

3.Writing a word, sentences, or paragraphs, journaling whatever you have to say that day is just the right amount to write.

4.Journal whatever is important for you to write about right then and there. I've journaled about a fabulous soup I ate, my concerns about a friendship, my dreams for the future.

5.Keeping your journal private. That can mean setting boundaries with those in your home, it may mean hiding it, or locking it away. You will have to make an individual decision about what that means to you.

6.Re-read your journal or not. Rarely do I re-read my journals. Some people always read what they have written. Again it is a personal choice.

7.Remember to use your journal for your benefit and well being, what ever that that means to you. Keeping a journal is a powerful tool that you can give to yourself everyday. Plus, this creates time for you every day.
