7 Lies That Prevent Powerful Results

Everyone has something in their life that they would
like to change. Nobody's life circumstances and
environment are perfect. But what do you tend to tell
yourself about these circumstances? Often it's easy to
fix blame on others. Consider, however, that your
feelings are not caused by your cranky boss, or the
construction on the street, or your inconsiderate friend;
but rather your feelings are caused by what you TELL
yourself about your circumstances.

One writer gives the following example: Imagine that a
friend is quite late to meet you. Depending on what
you THINK (i.e., she was in an accident, she's rude, I
wanted to do something else anyway), you might be
worried, annoyed, or relieved. These feelings (ignited
by the thoughts) will then dictate how you react, i.e.,
calling the police, having angry words for her, or being
glad she bailed on you.

What you think about your circumstances may keep
you stuck in a bad situation. That is why recognizing
the lies you tell yourself is very important. These lies
prevent you from being as powerful as you really are.

Lie #1. Expecting Quick Results.
It's true, we have all seen our lives change in a
heartbeat - sometimes an upturn, and sometimes a
downturn. But generally success is a longer road that
takes daily work to make it a reality. It will happen.
Don't expect it to happen overnight, but expect it to
happen. Don't give up. Powerful Results come from
taking baby steps, one after another, day after day, until
you reach your goal.

Lie #2. Complaining is OK.
The Law of Attraction states that life reflects back to
you whatever you expend. If you have a habit of
complaining, you will attract more complainers to you.
Or as the Bible puts it, "you reap what you sow." One
of my favorite cartoons shows the character
contemplating Spring, and she says, "Time to go out in
the garden to see if the bulbs I didn't plant, didn't come
up." Powerful Results come from planting the seeds for
what you want to grow.

Lie #3. I'll Work on That Later
Winners recognize that it doesn't always matter how the
hole got in the boat. It matters that it gets fixed so that
you can get on with the fishing. However, it DOES
matter if you keep running over the same rock day after
day, and you are patching the same hole over and over.
It is important to find the SOURCE of the hole and stop
allowing it to happen. Powerful Results come from
creating a lifestyle that supports your desires.

Lie #4. Having An Idea Instead of a Plan
Did you miss becoming a doctor, or dancer, or chef, or
actor, or teacher because you were "absent" the day
they were handing out those careers? Of course not.
All of those careers require that a person choose to go
to school, sometimes for many years; and then many
more years to master their craft. If you don't
purposefully choose the path to go down, something
else will choose it for you. Those who don't create their
future, have to endure the future they get. Powerful
Results come from creating a plan and getting into

Lie #5. Ignoring Your Talents
Thomas Leonard (www.thomasleonard.com) suggests
that you "perfect or customize what you want out of life
so that it fits you perfectly." This means using your
natural talents in a way that works best for you, in all
that you do. So often we put ourselves into a role or get
so busy responding to life's daily crisis, that we end up
frustrated with busy work instead of taking the time to
sort out what we're good at, let our strengths help us,
and then be willing to ask for help with the rest.
Powerful Results come from customizing whatever you
do so that it's a better fit for you.

Lie #6. Elusive Goals instead of Do-able Goals
An elusive goal is "save $5 thousand for down payment
for a house". There's no strategy or plan associated
with that. A do-able goal is "save $100 every week for
one year, beginning this week." That's a plan of action
that has measurable results. Powerful Results come
from specific actions that have measurable results.

Lie #7. "What I do doesn't matter" Attitude.
It's easy to say to yourself that other people and
circumstances prevent you from doing something. It's
easy to think that they are more powerful than you are,
so your puny contribution won't matter in the long run.
But this attitude tends to paralyze you, and keep you
out of the action of creating better circumstances.
Powerful Results come from being honest with
yourself, listening to yourself, then doing what needs to
be done.

About the Author

Kathy Gates, Professional Life Coach, believes that
"Life Rewards Action". She can help you create
goals, overcome procrastination, organize your time,
find your true passion, and learn to love the real you.
Visit www.reallifecoach.com, email
Kathy@reallifecoach.com, or call 480.998.5843