7 Simple Steps To Feeling Good About You

Article Title: 7 Simple Steps To Feeling Good About “You”
Author Name: Dr. Donald Schnell
Contact Email Address: Donald@spiritualjava.com
Word Count: 291
Category: Personal Development, Motivation, Self Help
Copyright Date: 2003

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7 Simple Steps To Feeling Good About “You” ©2003 Dr. Donald Schnell

7 Simple Steps To Feeling Good About “You”

Here are 7 Ways To Feel Good About Your Life:

1. Ask yourself questions. Every time you feel frustrated
with a task, ask yourself, "How does this task fit in with
my ultimate goals?" "How can I make this more fun,
easier, better, and faster?"

2. Be interested and curious about yourself and others.
Curiosity is a learned art. Practice it by taking a new
interest in “you”.

3. Accept your weakness. Everybody has one or two (yes,
everybody!). Instead of spending your time and energy
trying to "overcome" your weakness, make friends with it,
and make it work for you. Find a friend who is strong in
this area and ask them to assist you.

4. Don't stop learning. The brain is a muscle just like
any other, and it will stagnate if you let it. Make it
your rule to learn something new every day. Then USE what
you learn to make your life better.

5. Learn to appreciate what is good, right now. Please
don't miss out on what's wonderful in your life right now,
while you spend all your time peeking around the next
corner. 6. Don't live in the past. Let go of things
that are draining you. There's nothing there anymore that
you can change or correct that can only be done in the
present. Use Today. Use the power of now.

7. Swim with the current. Don't waste your time
complaining about what you can't control - like other
people. Concentrate on what you CAN control, like who you
hug, which bestseller you read, when you smile, how much
you laugh, where you go, what you do, what you think

Donald Schnell

About the Author

Dr. Donald Schnell co- founded with Marilyn Diamond
of Fit For Life, the Spiritual Java Coaching Program,
that is transforming thousands. The New Spiritual Diet,
Incredible Value, One on One coaching Amazing Results.
http://www.SpiritualJava.com or email:
Donald Schnell is the author of The Initiation. Free Motivational
Newsletter, The Buzz http://www.spiritualjava.com