8 Prosperity Principles

I have taken my favorite elements out of all the literature and teachings I've ever read and practiced, and insights I've come to though my own personal experiences on the path, and formulated these 8 Principles for Prosperity. I also encourage you to make your own list of prosperity principles based on what works for you. May these 8 principles light the fire to manifest more of your heart's desires!

(From my experience... If you truly, wholly, fully integrate these eight principles, you have the "inner state" to create anything you desire.)

1. Prosperity comes through communication. Communicate with the world around you to expand your prosperity... through love and appreciation. You cannot experience ultimate abundance without realizing your connection to all things. As you realize we are all One, this becomes a natural part of the path to your prosperity.

2. What you appreciate in life appreciates (through the Law of Attraction). Start appreciating everything you have in your experience. Stop and jot down the things in your life that you appreciate from time to time, even on a daily basis if you are so inclined. Instead of complain about the things you don't have, appreciate what you do have. The more you find things to appreciate the more rich you become, inwardly and outwardly. This is affirming your abundance. And employing the Law of Attraction on your behalf.

3. Learn how to consciously command what you want from the Universe (as creator). When you have a belief that keeps you in lack, you can use the power of DESIRE and INTENTION to manifest your desire. It then matters less what you believe possible for yourself or what has been your past experience.

4. The past does not exist. Your past is a figment of your imagination. It has no real meaning other than the meaning you assign it. You are one with any part of your past when you think about it... and you create more of it in the NOW. So think about the past as an eternal stream of "practice takes" that allow you to "get it right" in this moment! Only energize the elements of the past that serve your expansion into the prosperous reality you are now allowing and hence creating to be there.

5. The goal is the joy of the journey, not the result. Keeping that focus keeps you centered in the NOW moment where your true wealth can be revealed and expressed, through an endless myriad of expressions and reflections that the Universe wants to show you. This is the path of letting go, and allowing all to exist as it is. Your joy comes from simply being who you are... an infinite and abundant creator.

6. Prosperity is a "feeling place." Not an outward experience or event. They are the reflections of how you have been feeling or flowing your Source Energy (as creator... that is all you do flow energy). When you get that it's all about the feeling of things, that creates anything, you've got it.

7. The Law of Giving and Receiving. What you give of your Self you receive back in manifestation. The importance here is HOW you give, not what you give. When you come from a place of abundant giving you receive abundance in return. When you give from the place of limitation or lack (ie. expecting something in return as a pay off) you are given more representations of lack and limitation. This can also be perceived as thinking thoughts or taking actions based on FEAR or those on LOVE. The former yields poverty consciousness, the latter, prosperity consciousness.

8. You are Worthy of goodness, love and abundance. This is the most important principle. For with it, you will realize your infinite nature. It is the foundation for creating everything you can ever desire. That's why it is last. So you'll remember with the most impact. Embrace that thought, if you forget everything else, and your abundance will continue to expand. Allow that thought to permeate your entire being, by affirming it as often as you must, no matter how you feel. Know you are worthy just because of who you are... a creator made in the image of the Infinite. That is who you are and will always be, eternally. So rejoice!

About the Author

Jeff Forte
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