8 Ultimate Secrets Skyrocket Your Success!

8 Ultimate Secrets Skyrocket Your Success!

 by: song chengxiang

Whenever I ask people this question, "what do you really want in your life?" They will usually give me answers as follows. "I want to have more success in my life." "I want to have more money." "I want to have a better relationship." Then I ask them “What will success give you?" “What will money give you?" "What will a good relationship give you?" They will always come down to one answer" Feeling Good!" Yes, "Feeling Good is the Ultimate Needs of any human being." Nothing is important than feeling good. Therefore, the quality of your life comes down to one thingyour ability to feel good. Did I say that? Yes, feeling good is an ability. It is like your muscle, the more you use, the stronger it will become. You either use it or lose it. Unfortunately, majority of the people today have forgotte how to use this powerful ability. Today I will give you some powerful techniques, as long as you use them, they will awaken your ability of feeling good. The quality of your life will increase dramatically, you will have tremendous amount of energy, live a life of total fulfillment" These techniques are so simple that you couldn't believe it. I only ask you to keep a ten-day commitment, use them for ten days, see how your life will change. After ten days, you decide keep them or not. I bet you will get addicted to it. Ok Let's Begin.

Technique No 1: Flip Switch Although we know the importance of feeling good, most of time in daily life we forget about it. We are so busy at dealing with the "important matters" we meet everyday, and we forget the more important matter " Feeling good, live a stress free life". At the moment we realize it, we are already in a deep state of negativity. The Solution is to do a "Flip Switch" throughout the day. What is Flip Switch? Flip Switch is a technique that you hold in mind a positive image, a moment of past that you feel really good, or just an imagined event that makes you feel good. Hold it for a few seconds. At the moment you do your Flip Switch, it will cancel out all the previous negative emotions. The key is to do it often. Don't wait until your negative emotions get big, and dominant you thoughts. Kill the monster when it is little. Do this exercise throughout the day, you will see the changes in your life simultaneously. I can't stress more how powerful this exercise is, try it out yourself. Some people find it is hard to hold a image, my answer to them is just pretend you see. The importance is not how clearly you see, but how strong you feel. (The idea of Flip Switch comes from Dr Robert Anthony, to get more detailed instruction and other powerful techniques, check out his programs here)

Technique No 2: Capture Magic Moments We don't remember all things happen in our lives, but we remember some moments. Unfortunately, most people only remember the unhappy moments, and forget those happy moments. These unhappy memories only make them unhappy, and they don't even notice. The purpose of this technique is to help you consciously memories those magical happy moment so that they will make you happier. It is very simple, keep a magical journal, every night before you go to bed, and recall all the good things happened in your day. Note down things you enjoyed, things you learned, and most importantly things you have achieved. Every week, record down top achievements during the week; and every month, record down top achievements during the month. You will be amazed by how many things you have achieved, and wander why you did not notice them before. Take your 10 day challenge; you will love the positive changes in your life. Till you find your ability of feeling good increases, you will really live with your true purpose. I will unveil another three more powerful ways to manage your emotions next week. Stay Tuned!

Technique No 3: Be grateful to everything Do you know what the most powerful emotional state that people have is? Yes, that is gratitude. When you are in the state of gratitude, you are in line with source energy of the universe. You will get to see things clearly. Any obstacles have become an opportunity to you. People feel depressed, or unhappy, most of the time is because that they focus too much attention onto the problems they have, and forget that they have many wonderful things happening in their lives. Be grateful to the love you received from your family, your friends, and your colleges. Thank them in some way. Treat them a meal, buy them a gift, or just give them a word of greeting, or just give them a prayer in your heart. Be grateful to yourself, to your body. Say thanks to your feet for supporting you for so long time, say thanks to your eyes for letting you see the beauty of this world, say thank to your ears for giving you the beautiful sounds of the universe. Say thank you to every part of your body. Thank the universe for all the blessings it gives you, and all the blessing you are receiving. Be grateful for everything you have now, and you shall receive much more.

Technique No 4: The secret of giving What you give you shall receive! You can see many evidences that show you this is absolutely true. The most wealthy men on this planet are always the people who give most. The more they give, the more they receive. Bill Gates is the richest man on earth, because he gives the most. No any other person in the history had ever given as much money to the world as Bill Gates did. You must give the very thing that you want to receive. If you want money, you must give money. If you want love, you must give love. The best way to stay happy and feel loved is to make other people feel happy and loved. Give love to everyone you meet, a simple greeting or a word of compliment will go a long way. At the very moment you show your love to other people, the universal law has already guaranteed you will receive back, and it will give you back in the most amazing way. A point to note is that you must give out unconditionally; don't expect return from the person you give to, the universe will orchestrate all the details. Give love, and you will receive love!