A Gratitude Poem for Mattie Stepanek

The following poem came to me while thinking about Mattie and reading my Science of Mind magazine. Although the poem arrived after Mattie's transition, I'm confident he'll receive it.

Thank You Mattie

Dave Czach

Thank you for your wonderful words...
The elegance of a poet,
The message of a messiah,
The tenderness of a child.

Thank you for your compassion...
The caring of a teacher,
The patience of a priest,
The enthusiasm of a child.

Thank you for your positive outlook...
The vision of a leader,
The coach of life,
The exuberance of a child.

Thank you Mattie.
Your purpose was divine.
Your message was clear.
All we have to do,
is look in our spiritual mirror.

Copyright 2004 Dave Czach.

Mattie poem on website: http://sonicpoint.com/mattie


You have permission to re-publish the poem anywhere "as is" worldwide as long as the copyright, author and website address are included. No compensation is due to author or publisher.

About the Author

Dave Czach is a personal and spiritual development researcher and publisher. He can be reached at http://sonicpoint.com