A Lot of Excellence for a Little Price

Summary: We achieve excellence when we habitually do a little
more than required.

Do you want to be excellent?

This seems like a daunting task, but it really isn’t.

We admire one who is excellent.

We imagine that he or she must be gifted with an “excellence
gene” that somehow places this individual in a more rarified
atmosphere than mere mortals.

With the possible exception of history’s great geniuses, this
view could not be further from the truth. It will actually keep
us from our own excellence because it erroneously places
excellence in the realm of heredity rather than volition.

Excellence is the result of the habit of excellence practiced
over time. Excellence is the grand accumulation of lots of
little excellence episodes.

An “excellence episode” is any instance when you take a little
extra time, apply a little extra touch, and extend a little
extra effort to insure that your work is the very best you can

This does not make your work perfect, classic, or timeless. It
just makes it the best you can do. And, over time, that will
make it excellent.

Most excellence episodes are inconspicuous. Only the trained
observer notices and understands.

The rest do not notice. Even if some do, they shake their heads
in bewilderment.

Most people wonder why you go to the trouble. After all, they
ask, it’s OK, isn’t it? It’s acceptable, isn’t it? It’s
passable, isn’t it?

It is all those things.

But it is not excellent.

And you know it even if most do not.

The difference between raging mediocrity and shining excellence
is so simple and achievable.

Do a little more than required and make this a habit.

That’s a lot of excellence for a little price, isn’t it?

That’s all there is to it.

What could be simpler?

Copyright 2004 by Tony Papajohn. Tony
writes and speaks on success. Subscribe to his free
SuccessMotivator e-zine at http://www.successmotivator.com.

About the Author

Tony Papajohn speaks and writes on success. He specializes in teaching how to use the brain to tap the power of the mind. He has written and taught courses on Ericksonian hypnosis, NLP, and C.G. Jung. Tony publishes his thoughts and findings in his free SuccessMotivator newsletter. His hundreds of short articles cover a wide range of subjects and illustrate the principles of success and successful living.