A Motivating Factor

Growing up in an environment where non-church attendance isn't an option, much of one's beliefs may be based upon other's faith (wherein one either leans upon the faith of another or they were not considered mature enough to make those choices). Their daily schedule is generally more structured, also.

Young adults are familiar with struggles of being finally 'on their own'; free to sleep whenever they feel like it (as long as they make it to work). Suddenly, choices and consequences become theirs.

They begin deciding what they believe, the life style they will choose, the importance of regular church attendance, and many more things. Likely, before they get it all figured out, children come along.

Whether late night socials or babies stealing one's sleep, they can often relate to the 'pitch it out the window', Sunday morning, alarm clock … finding that, though they desire to do good, evil is present. Still believing in God, they're left feeling guilty whenever they fail to measure up or miss a church service.

What helped me most, during those early years, was a statement I remembered from childhood, "How can you say you love your children if you don't care about their souls?"

It's a motivating factor to make sure one's children have every opportunity possible to learn about God. And though we may still occasionally dread the alarm clock, in time, one's faith becomes their own. Then, there's no place we'd rather be than in God's house.

© by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

About the Author

Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeavenlyInspirations/ and "Share a Smile" http://groups.yahoo.com/group/smilesharing/. Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.