To accomplish something, you must plan to accomplish something.
That seems so very obvious, however, most folks in this world
get only so far as to plan to plan something! There is even a
saying about a road to an unpleasant destination being paved
with good intentions". People intend to sit down, think their
lives through, set goals and create action plans. For most, it
just never happens. Do not let that depress you. Better yet, do
not let that BE you!

Desire, when harnessed, is power. Failure to follow desire, to
do what you most want to do, paves the way to mediocrity.
Success requires heart and soul effort, and it takes desire. The
only way to use your power is to go right ahead and do what you
say you want to do.

When you surrender yourself to your worthwhile goals, your
clear focus brings with it physical power, energy and
enthusiasm. Your subconscious mind continuously works on the
goal. When you spend a few minutes each day or week reviewing
your goals, the subconscious mind is reinforced. When you affirm
your willingness to bring your goals into your reality, you
strengthen the subconscious mind, too. That's why affirmations

Goals, intense goals, can keep a person alive when nothing else
will. You've all heard of people who lived beyond expectation
because they wanted to see a child graduate from college, a
wedding, or other important occasion. The mind is VERY powerful.
Goals can help you to live longer. No medicine in the world is
as powerful in bringing about long life, as is the desire to
accomplish something.

About the Author

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Keynotes, Seminars & Coaching for entrepreneurs & professionals
who want the motivation & strategies to achieve, to lead and to
live richly. Creator of the Living Richly™ Program Host of
Living Richly™ on www.wsRadio.ws. Author of OPTIMIZE Your Day!
Practical Wisdom for Optimal Living Optimize Life Now! San Diego, CA