A "Reality" Practice

A "Reality" Practice

 by: Clive Taylor

Suggested practice to gain freedom from self-limitation.

It is suggested that what is actual and real in the world can only be experienced in the ongoing moment (by moment) and that to be fully in the moment can only happen if all ideas and beliefs about it are gone from the psyche – including the sense of “I”, of self identity.

Look at every idea, belief, or truth about life, no matter how unquestionable it may be, and ask: “Is this thing I believe, or someone else wants me to believe, actual and demonstrable to me or others? (For example, “We all have souls”: Ask, “Show me.”)

If it can’t be shown or isn’t demonstrable in any way that someone who doesn’t already believe it can experience, then just put it aside.

Not believing it or disbelieving it. (The idea being believed may actually be a reflection of what is real. Blind disbelieving can also be a manifestation of some other belief.)

(A suggested definition of Belief: “An idea of how things are that is only demonstrably real to those who hold the same idea as real.”)

The more we put aside all ideas about what is real, the more we will begin to experience and live what is real, with an increasing clarity and freedom.

It is not as easy as it may sound, because most of our ideas and beliefs are so built-in to our natures that it is almost impossible to see them.

Also, the mind can take on new ideas such as “I’m now free of all beliefs” as another belief. Our psyches are very clever at this, so great diligence and attention is needed to not be taken in by more and more subtle beliefs.

As a “spiritual” practice, this has directness, simplicity and tangible results.

It needs no acceptance of complex idea structures that we need to believe in or practice, to become “enlightened”, whatever that idea means.

It only needs our real intention for complete self honesty and the paying of full objective attention to what is in front of us.

Of course, this article also needs to be put aside and not believed or disbelieved – just pay attention to what is in front of you at any moment and discover for yourself what is actual and real.