Accept Change With A Smile!

Do you like horror films?
I don’t.

Ooh, no no, too gory for my liking, give me ‘Sleepless in Seattle’ any day.

They are really popular though, the horrors, and I reckon I know how to
make them even scarier…

Just as the sweet innocent, (probably a virgin), is about to get hacked to a
brutal death, or bitten or whatever, the screen should go black, and in big
white letters, this word should flash up:


I’m telling you now, the whole cinema would erupt.
Popcorn flying, grown men screaming like girls, projectile vomiting,
the works.

It’s one of our deepest darkest fears.

Here’s why.

Change opens up the possibility that things might be worse than they are
at the present moment.
Yes, they might be better, but let’s face it, it’s much more likely that
things will be worse.

Isn’t it?

Er, well no actually.

Most of the time our negative expectations are proved to be wrong.
Think about how many times have you found yourself saying ‘I thought
it was going to be worse than that.’

We still think the worst though, mainly due to our upbringing, i.e.
“ be careful”, and “don’t do that!”

I bet you remember hearing those when you were little.
Your subconscious mind certainly does!

We’re talking about years of conditioning here, is not easy to push against
our comfort zone, and anyone who says it is, they are just plain wrong.

Yes, it’s hard, but here’s the good news.

Firstly it gets easier the more we do it.

Secondly, once we learn to focus on the positive possibilities of change
rather than the negative ones, life becomes an adventure, and far less scary.

If we try and avoid change, we won’t succeed.
It comes to us anyway, and we then cower and shy away.

It really isn’t anything to be afraid of, so instead of waiting for change to
catch you up, how about taking control, being in charge of the change,
and accepting it with a smile, as something new, progress!

About the Author

Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!
has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and
'a true gem'.
If you liked this article, see the book for yourself at: