Alice and the Journey of Life

Alice and Life's Journey

May 2003 Letters on Life #8

"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said. "One can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. " When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Carroll, Lewis, "Alice in Wonderland"

What are "impossible things?" Are there really "impossible things" out there? Of course there are, but there's also a line at which we stop and give up because we think "that's impossible." Perhaps what we really mean is that something is extremely difficult. The Queen said she practiced believing impossible things- talk about stretching your concept of reality! Maybe the Queen was really dreaming of a reality that was beyond her reach. By dreaming, she was sculpting the life she wanted.
It didn't occur to me before, but the dialogue between Alice and the Queen which was written over sixty years ago is a model for any discussion about goal setting. The essence of any such discussion is to visualize what you want and experience it as already happening. Do this when in a quiet state- the alpha state- and make your visualization as real as possible. Experience it from as many aspects as possible. When you are in touch with your goal, think about how you're feeling, what you're saying and what it looks like. I sometimes imagine a big smile on my face. The more you can make it seem like a real experience, the greater likelihood of it becoming a reality. Just sitting quietly experiencing your dream fully for a minute is powerful. The Queen did it for half an hour.
The subconscious mind cannot distinguish a real experience from an imaginary one. As the visualization becomes more vivid, the likelihood increases that the subconscious mind will act on the dominant message bringing you closer to your dream. The corollary to remember is that when you worry, the dominant message becomes the imaginary experience you fear.
Let's be very pragmatic about this. If you have goals there's no guarantee that you will achieve them, but most likely you will be headed in the right direction. And many times you will achieve your goals and exceed them. I know how much better I feel when I have goals and dreams. Oh yes, it's great to have a dream. Imagine who you can become in going for your dream- more adventurous, more positive and more determined. What a dreamer the Queen was. What is your dream?

Many of my dreams have become motivators. Early on, my dream was to get out of school and have a real life. And then I dreamed of finding my soul mate and having a family. I ;m fully immersed in this one. Achieving abundance was a dream and I often visualized this happening. And then I dreamed of finding my life's work. I'm doing it now with my coaching and writing.
It's now time for you to own your dream! And, after creating it, you can go to the next one and the next one. That makes life exciting. Go and declare who you are.
Let me know what your dream is. I love receiving your many responses and feedback. Thank you and keep them coming. Feel free to pass on this letter to the friends in your circle and let them know about the advantages of being on the journey.

Speak with you soon,


Mark Susnow, formerly a trial attorney for 30 years, is a coach, speaker, musician, and group facilitator who motivates and empowers others to live the life they want and deserve. To learn more about the benefits of coaching and other programs Mark facilitates, visit his website. 415 453 5016

About the Author

Mark has always been curious as to why some people have a life full of success and opportunity and others don't. What makes the differece? His life's quest as to learn the secrets to living the secrets to living a successful life. Mark was a trial attorney for 30 years and musician involved in meditation and yoga.