ANGER SMART Spiritual Relaxation

ANGER SMART: "Spiritual Relaxation"

Anger Thought: One of the most basic techniques for managing stress
and anger is physical relaxation. So how many people do you know,
dealing with anger and aggression, practice spiritual relaxation?
Spiritual relaxation refers to letting mental sources of tension go
instead of physical sources of tension. The key to doing this is
verbally forgiving others for their actions toward us. This is not
easy and is why so few people practice it. But, unless forgiveness is
given, there will be no real freedom from anger and aggression in
your life. Keep in mind that forgiveness is not the same as
forgetting. Denial is an unhealthy behavior if practiced long term.
And, pretending an offense against your life never happened is
impossible. Why let your past continue to control your emotions in
the present and future? Let go spiritually and find real mental peace.

Anger Action Plan: Out loud or in a journal, complete the following
sentence: "Today, for my own well being, I choose to forgive these
people/situations..." Do this for one week. Observe the change that
comes over you during that period of time. At the end of the week,
recite or write this phrase: "I release myself from the past and its
pain. The people and incidents I have forgiven no longer have power
over me." If your anger continues or more anger/aggression comes up
as a result of this exercise, immediately see a qualified
psychotherapist for more help.

Anger Toolbox: Get more tools on managing your anger online at or take our free anger ecourse by sending a blank email to

This material is copyrighted and the sole property of Ron Huxley and the You may not use this material, in any form, without the express permission of Ron Huxley.

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