Are You Blushing

Well are you??

I’m not at the moment, but I do!

And don’t you find that the more you try not to blush, the more you do!!

At this point I could jump into a deep explanation of the biology involved
with blushing, but hey, what do you think I am, a doctor?

The important bit, is that blushing is a physical reaction brought on by a
Our thoughts bring physical reactions all the time, it’s just that most of the
time we don’t notice it.

Blushing is a fine example, and here’s another one…

The relaxed feeling that washes over you when you hear Beethoven’s
‘Moonlight Sonata’, which is a physical release of chemicals by the brain,
triggered by your thoughts.

Or how about the involuntary foot-tapping when you hear
‘Achy Breaky Heart’?
(Or maybe that’s just me on that one).

You’re probably ahead of me on this one, but this principle can be
harnessed and used to your advantage.

You can deliberately concentrate on positive thoughts, and equally
deliberately you can catch yourself when you start those negative

Next time someone cuts you up in the car, don’t toot your horn or show
off your sign language skills, just smile and whistle a tune to yourself,
(Achy Breaky Heart maybe?)

2 things will happen.

Firstly you will notice a distinct reduction in the stress levels you feel,
and secondly, you will begin to notice the unnecessary stress others heap
on themselves all the time, which will in turn increase your ability to
think positively.

Don’t concentrate on ‘might not’, concentrate on ‘might’.
When you find your self criticising for the sake of it, stop yourself, and
keep quiet.

Make time for yourself, every day, to do something enjoyable.
Add ‘I am a strong and worthy person’ to your list of affirmations.
Compare it to saying ‘I am a weak and worthless person’ – which one
makes you feel better?

If you follow these steps, you can actively change the balance of chemicals
released by the brain, instead of leaving it to chance.

You’ll feel more positive, more energised, and here’s the kicker, you‘ll
feel HAPPIER!!

And the next time you blush, you’ll have a quiet chuckle to yourself,
knowing you have harnessed some of the potent power of thoughts and
the physical reactions to them

About the Author

Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!
has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and
'a true gem'.
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