For whatever reason, something has brought you to this article. Perhaps this will be the first day of a dramatic change in your life.
But before you read any further, let me be clear about something. This article and the things I will discuss below are not for every man.
If you are looking for the latest fad in feminizing pop psychology, then this article is not for you.
If you think you need to find your “inner child” rather than learn how to be a real man then this article is not for you.
But if you want to escape the modern movement to make men and boys ever more effeminate, then the ideas in this article might be for you.
If you never – ever! – want to hear a grown man talking about “finding himself” again, then what follows might be for you.
If you crave the deeper lessons of true masculinity – of vision, self-sacrifice, courage and leadership then read on. What follows is definitely for you.
My name is Mark Cole. Every day I strive to be a better man and a better father. I aspire to fear no man – but only God. I try to live boldly, energetically, fearlessly, courageously, creatively.
I often fail; but I do not give up. And when I am successful, it is because I am applying one of the principles which I have learned from my ongoing, intensive study of the lives of the Great Men – men like Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Davy Crockett, Douglas MacArthur, George S. Patton and many, many others.
A few years ago, I was in a slump and needed an injection of vision and motivation into my successful – by ordinary standards – but repetitive, conformist and uninspiring life.
As I groped about trying to find something contemporary to read (yes, I am embarrassed to say that I have dabbled in self-help literature), it occurred to me: Why reinvent the wheel? Why not go with the tried and true? Why waste time with the system of a success guru – especially one who promotes the feminine side of man (my quest began, after all, in the 1990’s)?
Fortunately, I knew enough about the lives of the Great Men to know that I wanted my life to look more like theirs. The only way to do that is to study them.
So I began and I have never looked back. Since my quest for guidance from the Great Men of history began, I have made dramatic improvements in my life. If I were a betting man, I would wager that you need to do the same.
From Winston Churchill, I have learned about perseverance, the importance of powerful communication and about standing for principle.
From Theodore Roosevelt, I have learned about the importance of pushing my body – but pushing my mind even harder.
From Charles Haddon Spurgeon – the greatest preacher of the 19th century – I have learned about what a real day’s hard work looks like. After meeting Spurgeon, I will never complain about being tired again!
From Davy Crockett, I have learned about the importance of real education, but I now understand that most true education doesn’t take place in schools.
From Abraham Kuyper, the great Dutch theologian, journalist, educator and Prime Minister, I have learned that men need not be defined by a single vocation, but that real men are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to leave their mark on the world.
From General George S. Patton I have learned about focus and intensity.
And so on. And believe me, I am just getting warmed up!
So hopefully you are asking why all of that matters to you. Good question!
Here’s the answer. Now, I am ready to pass on the secrets of the lives of the Great Men to you through my new web site:
What I have done for you at is this: I've blown the dust off the chronicles of wisdom accumulated through the ages, and I have rediscovered the secrets of masculinity by studying the lives of those men – those Great Men - who settled the Western World, explored Africa, tamed the American Wild West, destroyed the Nazis and Communism in defense of liberty.
I have researched the lives of the Great Men and written several, power-packed E-courses based upon their biographies. These E-courses and related materials are waiting to reveal the secrets of the lives of the Great Men to you – if you are prepared to listen, to learn and to act.
Not ready to read a 1,000 page biography? No problem. You do not have to do the heavy-lifting; I have done it for you.
My series of E-courses will tell you how the Great Men did what they did and how they became who they were. If you follow my E-courses, you will not only learn about the qualities of the Great Men, you will be challenged to be a better man yourself.
By getting to know the Great Men – by adopting them as your mentors - you will be constantly challenged to look into the mirror and measure yourself…Not so much against their achievements, but against your own potential. And if you are anything like most American men today, you have not even begun to tap your true potential! Wouldn’t it be exciting if you did?
If you visit, you will quickly see that my approach and my products are unique because they are grounded not in my opinion but in the proven lives of the Great Men.
And my products will make their lives accessible to you. Yes, massive, erudite, scholarly and learned biographies describing in painfully minute (and often mind-numbing) detail the life of almost any Great Man are everywhere. But most men today have neither the time nor the interest to wade through these scholarly tomes for six months just to take away a nugget or two of inspiration.
One of the secrets of the Great Men which I will reveal to you right now is simply this. The Great Men all knew how to take action. Visit my web site today and sign up for the free gifts which are available to anyone who stumbles onto that site by accident. But if you visit and sign up for the free special report, I will also immediately begin emailing you a daily tip on becoming a Great Man. Each daily tip will be grounded in the life of a Great Man; in other words, it will not be just one more guru’s opinion which will come and go. It will be based in rock-solid, proven, time-tested historical fact.
But to get started, you must act today.
What are you waiting for? Put down the TV remote control, and take this first step:
Mark Cole
About the Author
Mark Cole is an attorney and lives near Magnolia, Texas (population 1,111) with his wife, Shona, son Matthew, daughters Lily Kate and Laura, and two dogs. To learn more about how the Great Men can inspire and motivate you, please visit
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