It's so easy to know what is good for you. You know it is good for you to
eat fruits and vegetables, exercise and drink plenty of water, right? Are
you doing it? Are you doing it regularly enough to feel good about it? Are
you spending quiet time alone with yourself, your thoughts and your goals at
least weekly? Are you paying attention and spending time with those you say
are important to you often enough so they know how much you value the

If you can answer 'Yes' to these, TERRIFIC! You're playing on your own
team! If not, why not? Humans are strange. Many of us withhold from
ourselves the very things we know would increase our satisfaction with our
lives, we withhold our good from ourselves. Doesn't this seem more than a
little masochistic? Why don't we count with the most important person in
our livesourselves?

Sometimes, deep, deep down inside ourselves, we may believe that it is
selfish to give to ourselves. Sometimes, deep, deep down inside ourselves,
we do not believe that we deserve to have a really good life. Sometimes, we
think we're doing enough by simply saying that we know we should or could do
things. That, somehow, gets us off the hook from actually doing it!

If any of these things are true for you, STOP! Sit right downyes, right
this minuteand ask yourself why you are preventing your own good. Dig
deep! Stay with it until you have an answer. Discuss it with your closest
friend. Find out what's going on with you. Why are you withholding your
good from yourself?

Then, begin with TTDC's. If you haven't heard about my trademarked system
yet, TTDC stands for "Teeny, Tiny, Do-Able Chunks". Start with the smallest
increment of time and energy...but START!!! If it is exercise, start by
doing ten minutes a day of something that you would call exercise. If it is
cleaning your clutter, start with one shelf or one drawer a day. If it is
improving your relationship, spend ten minutes a day talking to that
important person with nothing else happening at the same time! You get the
idea. You're in charge.

You deserve to be happy, healthy and on your own team. Let nothing stop
you. Start now!

If you find that ten minutes is more than think you can fit it, what's
going on? Maybe you need some personal help to discover your blocks to your
own good.

About the Author

Dr. Shaler is the creator of the
Living RichlyT Programs. For further articles, free ezines, upcoming
teleseminars and booking information, visit