Are You Trying to Lose?

Are You Trying to Lose?

 by: Sandra Baptist

Just 2 nights ago my partner and I were watching a cricket game from Zimbabwe on cable TV. The team that was currently batting was leading by a huge margin in the 1st innings but during the 2nd innings were 'dropping out like flies'. They were struggling to maintain their score and beat their opponents.

My partner looked at me and said in disgust "What are they doing, trying to lose?"

I looked over at him and thought to myself, "Wow! You're so right".

In an instant he had clinched many of our problems from a simple cricket game, while several of us struggle for years to reach the pinnacle and fall short of our dreams.

Isn't it amazing that sometimes no matter how hard we try, it seems that we're always trying to lose instead of striving to win? It's like reaching a weight loss plateau and having no idea how we're going to get rid of those last 5 lbs.

I'm sure you've experienced this or know someone who has, for example, can't seem to earn more than a certain amount of money. As soon as they receive a bonus from work, some unexpected problem comes up-our car breaks down or we have a family emergency. Of course we should be grateful that we have these extra funds to handle this issue, but isn't it amazing that something always comes up and we never seem to be able to do what we truly desire with these funds?

What about when we get another client and then we lose two more?

And then there are some who can't seem to lose more than a certain amount of weight; who can't seem to pass an important exam no matter how many times they've taken it.

We're ALL trying to succeed, do the best we can and live a prosperous life yet something seems to be holding us back.

Are we trying too hard?

Are we afraid of something?

Why does this happen to us?

My friends, allow me let you into a little secret about ourselves, if it's okay with you.

Our minds are so conditioned to understand, accept and appreciate only what we know. Only what we know comes from our past experiences, our upbringing, our family environment in which we live.

Our mind knows that we earn a certain amount each year and no more.

It knows that we can lose a certain amount of weight and no more.

It knows that we can attain a certain level of success and prosperity and no more.

When that point is reached, unconsciously we tend to sabotage our early success and stop ourselves in our tracks from achieving more. This is called Internal Resistance.

It's these Resistance thoughts that stop us from doing what you want and can often show up as procrastination or fear.

Before and up to that point of resistance we begin to have thoughts such as: "I can't do this". "I'm not going to earn any more than this no matter how hard I work". "This will never happen". "I'm not yet ready for this".

That is not to say that we don't want or desire more. On the contrary we do!

So, what are we going to do about getting everything that we desire?

How are we going to attract more than we're programmed to?

We need to re-condition our minds to accept more prosperity and more abundance and therefore open ourselves up to receiving more than we're accustomed to.

Sounds complicated? Don't worry it's not!

This can readily be done by accepting that your life CAN be as fulfilling, as rich and as prosperous as you desire. Realizing that you can have whatever you desire.

Purchase a journal. We'll call it your Prosperity Journal. Each day before bedtime, start appreciating the good things that occurs in your life. Doing this will open your whole being to attracting more. Be grateful for all things that you do, that happens to you and that exist every day-both large and small. It could be the sunshine or the rain, your family, your job, your business.

As you begin to focus on being grateful, more of the same good shows up in your life.

As more begins to show up in your life, you understand that you can focus on what you want and attract it.

As you begin to focus on what you want, that as well will show up with much less resistance and struggle on your part.

As you expand your mind you expand your possibilities. You will come to understand that everything is available to you in absolute abundance. It is only for you to allow it to come into your life without resisting.

You will come to understand that the Universe is limitless and full of abundance and that instead of trying to lose, you will master the process of winning!