Avoid the Pitfalls of Too Much & Too Little

The Pitfalls of Too Much & Too Little
by M. LaVora Perry

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In my monthly newsletter I always include book promotion and publication tips for writers. As we enter a new year, my tip is Take Good Care of Yourself and the Ones You Love. I just got over a 4 week bout of the energy-zapping flu, which is why my most recent newsletter, that included information about an imminent radio appearance I was making, went out the day before that appearance.

I am sure my illness was the result of a year of "too little and too much." Too little sleep, too little exercise, too few vegetables and fruits, too little water and too little meaningful down time with loved ones and myself. Too much red meat, too much sugar, too many refined carbohydrates, too much time on my butt in front of a computer monitor, too much worrying instead of praying.

I appreciate myself for putting the effort I have into the success of my children's book Taneesha's Treasures of the Heartmy work is paying off wonderfully. As a resulf of that work the book is going into its third printing and has received national and international reviews and orders.

Now, for the coming year, I believe my body is telling me I must polish my life- balancing skills. So, towards the end of a day that began with an hour of prayer and a medical check-up (which included a remark from the doc that he would never have thought I was as old as I amwho doesn't want to hear that?) and to compliment a week that has started off with brisk 40 minute power-walks outside (I love feeling the ground beneath my feet and breathing fresh air!), I have just briefly returned to the monitor after picking up my children from an after school. I may hit the treadmill (which I like a lot less than being outside, but it works) and spend some time with my familyperhaps making pretzels.

My oldest found a recipe on the Web. I insisted on whole wheat flourtelling her they will taste just as good. Pretzels must come after she and her brother's home work and violin lessons have been completed. But dinner is in the oven, which, if you know me at all, is a major feat all by itself. In any case, pretzels or no, I'm spending the rest of this day with the ones who make my heart smile.

Speaking of which, a big smooch to my husband for stopping home for lunch and filling up my gas tankliterally. I'm not speaking in some type of romantic code here. The minivan was on "E"I was living on the edge as usual. And props to my parents for helping to fill in the gaps to support my work as an authorI am truly blessed with the best family in the world.

Here's to health, happiness, peace, love and endless hope throughout the year,


About the Author

In 1995 M. LaVora Perry became the first African-American card writer in the world's largest publicly-owned greeting card companyAmerican Greetings. Her words have appeared on gift items on three continents. She is the author of the children's book Taneesha's Treasures of the Heart and the free children's e-book, Wu-lung and I-lung, which is available for immediate viewing from her Web site. She can be reached at lavora@fortunechildbooks.com.