Awesome Power Of Integrity


I could write on and on about it, it’s one of, if not the main code I live
my life by.


All covered by the fluffy cushion of integrity.

Treat others as you’d like to be treated yourself, and you won’t go far

If you are treating others in a way that you wouldn’t accept for yourself,
you are not operating from a position of integrity.

So that’s a very brief but effective guide when it comes to dealing with
other people.

How about dealing with yourself – do you follow it then?

It’s an important point.
All too often we let ourselves down.
We fail to go the extra mile for ourselves.
We settle for what we know to be second best.

It’s easy to do, I’ve know I’ve done it.
We all want an easy life don’t we, so why push ourselves when we don’t
have to?

Integrity, that’s why!

Don’t get to a stage in life where you look back and realise you weren’t
true to yourself.

This applies just as importantly to goal setting.
If you set goals which you think will impress others, or you set goals
which you don’t truly desire, you have absolutely no chance of seeing them come true.

This is because you will not be equipped with a foundation of belief in
yourself and the goals, a foundation that drives you to do whatever it takes.
Especially when the going gets tough.

Like a lot of the important ideas in life, it isn’t always easy to stick with
your integrity.
Sometimes it can be awkward to stand for what you believe rather than
what others want to hear.

If you do stick with it though, remember it’s a commitment for the long
You can’t switch integrity on and off when it suits.

If you make the commitment though, you are hugely more likely to
succeed, but whatever happens, your head will be held high and proud,
from being true to yourself – with integrity!

About the Author

Gordon Bryan's new book, 'Transform Your Life in 21 Days!
has been described as 'a must read', 'awesome', and
'a true gem'.
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