Be a doer not a talker!

Have you ever thought about how easy it is to talk yourself out of an action or talk around an issue and yet
do nothing about it?

Do you know people who love to tell others about what they want to achieve and how they envision their lives?
Yet five or even ten years down the line, they are still nowhere near to attaining their vision except for talking about it?

You do? Well ask yourself this question:

Are you constantly dreaming and talking about what you want, or are you pro-actively moving toward achieving it?

The sincerity you show in answering the question will be an indication of where you are right now on your path.

We all love to dream, and it is quite healthy to dream as long as we use the dream to motivate us into taking action.

Taking action keeps you in motion, which is essential, if you want
to be in the natural flow of exchange vibrationally and physically.
Being in motion does not necessarily require you running around and getting all stressed out. It is simply using your intuition to help you discern what needs to be done and then doing it with the right frame of mind.

Changes offer you the opportunity to strengthen your intuitive powers and use them as your 'life detector' for a greater and a more benevolent existence.

I remember when I started looking into Life Coaching and coaching training schools, how apprehensive and unsure I was about the whole thing. Primarily because I wasn't sure about the outcome
of it in Switzerland. But then, I suddenly realised that it was up to me to define the outcome I wanted and not allow the environment I live in dictate my outcome to me. So I forged ahead, did my training and became a Life Coach, instead of just talking about it!

Now I enjoy Coaching and I know beyond all doubts that my services are invaluable to many, including writing this newsletter!


- What have you been talking or day-dreaming about incessantly?

- Remember, your dreams only remain dreams - castles in the air, nothing more nothing less unless you give them 'wings to fly'!

- What do you want to be able to look back to in 10 or 15 years from now?

- Are you happy with your life, or do you get up in the morning feeling you could be doing more?


Look into your list of dreams and choose one that is nearest to your heart.

How can you initiate an action and follow through?

Do you know someone who might be willing to help you with this? Sometimes all it requires is just to be open and simply ask for support. Remember, you don't have to do it all alone.

Decide to give yourself a timeline to get some results.

Each time you have a break-through along the way, relish the exhilarating joy of the present achievement to inspire and motivate you even more to accomplishing what you've set out to achieve.

About the Author

Kunbi Korostensky is a Certified naturopathic doctor and Psychotherapist. She lives in Switzerland and works in a private-owned practice. She is also a Life Changer Coach TM and enjoys helping recently divorced male executives find renewed energy, new sense of purpose and creativity in their lives. Please visit: for more information.