When you take a moment to think about your self-esteem, what
comes to mind? STOP READING NOW! Take that moment...what does
come to mind?

Do you immediately tell yourself what you do well? Do you
remember all the good that you do? Terrific! Many folks have a
tendency to first notice the places they have failed or are not
doing enough. They think about what they have not done rather
than what they have accomplished. They see their personal cups
half-empty, rather than half-full.

How about you? If your first thoughts are positive, you have
self-confidence. Want some more? There's a secret! Keep your
promises to yourself. Yes, when you say that you will spend an
hour alone, do it! When you decide on a food program, follow it!
When you determine the best exercise for you, do it!

Recently I spoke with a woman who told me how well she felt
after three weeks of paying attention to her health. She was
thoughtful about her food choices, slept well and made time for
her exercise of choice. She said that it made her feel good
about herself. Of course it did!

When I asked her if she was continuing with that program, she
said no. Why not? Somehow her overwhelming desire to keep
millions of balls in the air and run herself ragged seemed more
attractive. Isn't that an interesting conundrum?

This is an issue of self-esteem. You have to feel that you
deserve to feel good in order to do what it takes. Sure, there
are times when work or family need all your attention, however,
once the crisis is over, return to taking care of yourself. If
the crisis is too long, you'll run out of energy and begin to
deplete all your reserves. This won't help your work or family,
will it? It is also likely to cause you to resent the work, the
demands or the people. Then, you might beat yourself up for
feeling that when, actually, resentment is simply a sign that
you are not giving yourself what you are giving to others.
Notice this and take better care of yourself.

Be consistent with your self-care. This doesn't mean creating a
rigid schedule. That only causes resistance. Be gentle, yet
firm, with yourself. Exercise for thirty minutes three times a
week. That's a great start...and it's do-able. Once you get that
established, you'll probably feel like adding to it, so, take a
walk, play a game or go for a swim. Set yourself up to win and
enjoy it! You deserve it.

Consistency creates self-confidence. Go for it!

About the Author

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Keynotes, Seminars & Coaching for entrepreneurs & professionals
who want the motivation & strategies to achieve, to lead and to
live richly. Creator of the Living Richly™ Program Host of
Living Richly™ on Author of OPTIMIZE Your Day!
Practical Wisdom for Optimal Living Optimize Life Now! San Diego, CA